Search by tag «Educational Programs» 44 results

  • ITMO Master’s Program in GenAI Certified by AI Alliance

    Big news: AI Alliance has certified ITMO’s Master’s program in deep learning and generative AI, making it the third educational program at the university to be approved by the expert committee and included in the Alliance’s registry. What’s more, the program is recommended as a gold-standard, an example to be implemented at other universities.


  • ITMO and VK Education to Teach Students to Implement AI into Business and Industry

    Within AI Engineering, a new Bachelor’s program just launched by ITMO and VK Education, students will learn to implement AI systems into business processes. AI can facilitate various operations: identifying failures, automating routine tasks, as well as processing and analyzing big data. Graduates of the program will be able to take on positions of ML and data engineers in economics, banking, logistics, and retail data analysis.


  • First-Ever Bachelor’s Program for AI Developers Launching in Russia

    Yandex, Sberbank, and ITMO University are launching AI360: ML Native – a joint Bachelor’s program for future AI architects and researchers. The new program will accept 30 top applicants at ITMO University; up to 70 students will be enrolled in the program in Moscow and Tatarstan. Here is all you need to know about the program: its unique features, requirements, and reasons to apply.


  • A New Program by ITMOxYandex Practicum Brings AI and Graphic Design Together

    ITMO University and Yandex Practicum have partnered up to launch Innovative Technologies for Graphic Design – a new Russian-taught online Master’s program that will teach students how to apply the advances of generative adversarial networks (GANs) in their web or mobile app designs. Cases for students will be provided by partner companies. The program is delivered online with remote workshops on evenings or weekends, as well as 24/7 access to theoretical materials. Career counselors will assist those looking for or changing jobs by teaching them how to ace job interviews and write successful CVs.


  • ITMO University and Positive Technologies To Train All-Round Cybersecurity Experts

    ITMO University and Positive Technologies have inked a strategic partnership agreement in the field of cybersecurity training at Positive Hack Days Fest 2. As part of the agreement, the partners are launching a joint Master’s program in September with two main specializations: Modern Security Operation Center (SOC) and AI for Cybersecurity.


  • Learn to Grow Your Business While Caring for the Planet at ITMO

    Sustainable Development and Environmental Management is a new Master’s program that’s just launched at ITMO. There, you’ll get to learn to implement green technologies in production and develop sustainable business strategies that account for not only generating income but also the effect on society and environment. Created in collaboration with industrial partners, this program is oriented towards solving actual challenges that companies are facing today. Read on to learn more.


  • ITMO Launches Two Online Master’s Programs for Engineers

    In 2024, ITMO University is adding online tracks for two of its engineering Master’s programs: Applied Optics and Systems Analysis and Control. Through their studies in the program, practicing specialists will be able to gain another qualification while learning to use new tools – all without the need to take a break from work or leave their home. Learn more about the programs in this article.


  • ITMO and Samolet Group Launch New Master’s Program for IT Team Leads

    ITMO’s Institute of Applied Computer Science and Samolet Group have launched a new corporate Master’s program for future team leads in IT. There, through solving business tasks and partner industry cases, students will acquire the competencies necessary for being both a team leader and an IT developer. Graduates will be able to lead IT projects at major companies without any additional training.


  • New Master’s Program by ITMO and YADRO: Learn to Build Your Own Programming Languages

    ITMO University and the YADRO company have launched a new corporate Master’s program – Tools for Software Development and Analysis. There, students will learn to create multifunctional developer tools, including code analyzers, fuzzers, IDEs and their components, such as debuggers and profilers. What’s more, graduates will be competent enough to develop new programming languages and their compilers.


  • Master's in Programming and AI at ITMO: What To Expect This Academic Year

    The Master’s program Programming and Artificial Intelligence restarts with a new, improved format. This year, students will have a choice of two tracks, depending on whether they want to build their own individual learning tracks (applied) or focus more deeply on research in computer science (academic), as well as will be able to earn their degrees in one year within each track. Learn more about this year’s innovations below.
