Search by tag «Entertainment» 41 results
6 Comic Books and Graphic Novels for Science Lovers
It’s not just superheroes and talking animals anymore – in recent decades, comics have become an art form as legitimate as film, television, or indeed literature. From grounded biographies to inspired flights of fancy, they are also a great medium for stories about science and scientists. Today, we’ll be looking at several titles that are worth checking out by every science enthusiast.
Slavic Myths, Robots, and the Meaning of Life: Video Games To Play This Holiday Season
The winter break is a great opportunity to lean back, relax, and spend some time on your favorite hobby. Together with Ivan Kirilenko, a lecturer at ITMO’s Game Development School, we’ve prepared a roundup of indie games to play on long winter evenings, whether solo or with friends – including a couple of titles developed by ITMO students!
Our Top Cartoons For Thrill-Seekers
In honor of Friday the 13th, the night of chilling tales, let’s dial down the holiday cheer and take a trip down memory lane… Step into the world of innocent-looking cartoons that fed our team's childhood horrors. What was hiding under their shiny covers? Dare to read on.
4 Great Science Documentaries to Watch This Week
Who said learning can’t be fun? In this article, we look at a few acclaimed documentaries that explore science in all its forms: the technology that forms our daily life, the wonders of life that exist around us, and the possibilities held by outer space. So, grab a snack, dim the lights, and let’s go!
Inspiration Overflow: Movies That Motivate Us
As fall gets windier and gloomier, we turn to our trusty sources of comfort — warm blankets and scarves, tea or coffee, and movies, the heroes of the hour. Here’s our team’s favorite pick-me-up motivational films that keep us going in times of trouble. Enjoy!
Our Guilty Pleasure Songs
Sure, we’d all prefer to be seen as sophisticated enjoyers of the most refined tunes. But deep inside, everyone knows there’s no feeling better than rocking out to a fun tune, even if you’ll look ridiculous doing it. Here are some of our team’s most secretive guilty pleasures – brought to light.
Song of the Month: Our Summer Anthems
Summer has neared its end, and we’re already excited to see it return next year. In the meantime, we’re making the most of the remaining few weeks of warmth and relishing the memories made over those sunny months. Helping us in this endeavor are the tunes we’ve been listening to – joyous, hopeful, chill, or upbeat, but all symbolic of this wonderful season. Check them out!
Love, Quantum Physics, and Robots: Inside ITMO’s New Admissions Campaign Trailer
On June 19, the online streaming service Kinopoisk released a trailer for a film titled Quantum Entanglement. In just 10 days, the film’s page was visited by more than 10 thousand users. Though many had assumed it was an actual film and added it to their watchlist, on June 29 ITMO University announced that the trailer was actually a part of its admissions campaign. We decided to find out how the trailer was filmed – and what easter eggs the viewers should be on the lookout for.
Russian Ads We Quote Every Day
Previously, we’ve told you about the ads that, for one reason or another, stay with us for years on end. Today, we’re looking at the ones that have gone even further and entered our private lexicon – or even the public consciousness. Next time you hear a Russian friend say one of these puzzling lines, you might just know exactly what they’re talking about.
Our White Nights Soundtrack
It is the most magical time of the year in St. Petersburg. We’re talking about the white nights, of course! Whether you prefer to enjoy them out on the town or from the comfort of your room, in a rowdy crowd of friends or by your lonesome, one fact is true: you need a soundtrack. Here are our favorites for any scenario, taste, and mood.