Search by tag «Experience SPb» 358 results

  • The ITMO.NEWS Guide to Summer in St. Petersburg

    When it comes to exploring our beloved Northern Capital, the sunny season is definitely the best time for it. The lush greenery, the slight breeze from the Gulf of Finland, and the long days – even the occasional trademark thunderstorm can’t ruin the charm of St. Petersburg in summer. Over the years, we’ve shared plenty of insights into the best things to do in the city in June, July, and August – here are our best picks.


  • The City of Superlatives: Oldest Sights in St. Petersburg

    We love to explore our city from the most unusual angles: earlier, we told you about St. Pete’s smallest sites, as well as the city’s firsts. Today, we are putting our historian hats on and turning our attention to the city’s oldest sites: from bookshops to trees and even a pyshki place, you are in for a fun time-travel roller-coaster. Hop on!


  • Be Your Own Tour Guide: Online Tools for Exploring St. Petersburg

    Have you ever wondered how the historic center of our city looked a century ago? Where did the celebrities of the past live? What is the oldest district? With these four resources from our list, you’ll find answers to these questions and learn even more about the city.


  • Skeletons and Scientific Wonders: 5 Exhibits To See in the Kunstkamera

    The Kunstkamera, or the Cabinet of Curiosities, is the first museum in Russia that is infamously known for its bizarre collection of oddities – but there's more to it than meets the eye. Aside from formaldehyded Siamese twins and a six-legged cat, the museum houses a myriad of other cultural and scientific relics. Starting from the indigenous peoples’ halls on the first level and all the way to the signature armillary sphere sitting atop its tower, here are five exhibits at the Kunstkamera that you absolutely can’t miss.


  • Top Spots for Russian Fast Food in St. Petersburg

    From classic borscht and pelmeni to funnily-named desserts, Russia, too, has fast food on lock. These domestic chains serve starters, entrees, and afters – both traditional and with a novel twist.


  • Steps Away: Places to Explore Near ITMO's Vyazemsky Dorm

    Our Steps Away series has already covered the university’s major campuses. Next stop – the ITMO dorms! Join us as we explore top leisure spots within walking distance of the Vyazemsky Lane 5-7 dormitory, which accommodates most of ITMO’s international students.


  • Come Rain or Shine: Best Summertime Activities in St. Petersburg

    St. Petersburg certainly has a reputation for its unpredictable weather, but locals and visitors would all agree: no matter the forecast, there are always places to go, sights to admire, and activities to try in the city. Want to stay prepared for any scenario? Heed our team's best picks for things to do in St. Petersburg on sunny and rainy days alike.


  • The Unofficial Symbols of St. Petersburg

    Berets and croissants in Paris, red telephone boxes and 221B Baker Street in London, and balalaikas and bears… the Bronze Horseman and the Admiralty’s spire in St. Petersburg. Is it, though? Let’s find out what else makes St. Petersburg the iconic city that it is as we celebrate its 321st birthday today.


  • St. Petersburg’s New Water Taxi: Should You Try It?

    If you know us, you know that whenever there’s something new in the city, we’re there to try it. That’s why it should come as no surprise that the moment we heard there’s a water taxi in the city, we had to hop on. Here’s your first-hand account of the experience.


  • 4 Things To Do on Your Birthday in St. Petersburg

    Planning your birthday is no longer a headache – all thanks to our team’s curated list of the most fabulous places for every kind of celebration. Take your pick below!
