Search by tag «FoodTech» 28 results

  • MVP and Launch Sales: Finalists of ITMO’s FoodTech Accelerator Present Their Projects at Demo Day

    Over the course of three months, more than 300 entrepreneurs from all over Russia worked to create market-ready products assisted by business trackers from ITMO University. As a result, the 13 most successful teams pitched their startups to potential investors and partners at Demo Day.


  • Student Spotlight: Ramiro Gabriel Halfon, Argentina

    “The world needs you, go out and help it become a better place to live in,” is Ramiro’s everyday motto. A student in the Master’s program FoodTech, this young changemaker from Argentina is striving to make a difference in numerous ways.


  • Student Spotlight: Pankaj Kumar, India

    Meet Pankaj, a dynamic student from Haryana (India) with a surprising collection of academic degrees! Inspired by YouTube vlogs and motivated by scholarships, he left a PhD program in India to pursue further studies in Russia. Speaking to ITMO.NEWS, he shares his perspective on the two nations’ educational systems, life as an international student, and his future plans.


  • Student Spotlight: Tugsbilguun Tuvshinbayar, Mongolia

    Meet Tugsbilguun, a soon-to-be graduate of the Master’s program FoodTech, whose journey of academic and cultural exploration has taken him from Ulaanbaatar to St. Petersburg and then… to South Korea! In this interview, we’ll learn about the experiences, challenges, and cultural exchanges that have shaped him not just academically, but also personally.


  • Student Spotlight: Yemane Habtemichael Gebremeskal, Eritrea

    Step into the shoes of Yemane, a PhD student from Eritrea, as he unravels the intricacies of his PhD work at ITMO. From the vibrant markets of Eritrea to the scientific landscape of Siberia, Yemane shares his academic adventure, cultural encounters, and the magnetic pull that led him to the heart of Russia. Join us as we delve into his commitment to green food technology, mentoring endeavors, and the unique charm that makes St. Petersburg his academic haven.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #43

    In today’s science digest, it’s all about interdisciplinarity: whether it’s physics combined with biology, biology with medicine, or medicine with chemistry, we’ll be shining a light on the remarkable things that happen when scientists of all fields work together for a common good. Let’s have a look!


  • AI Barista: Digital Coffee Taste Predictor To Be Developed at ITMO

    Scientists from ITMO’s Infochemistry Scientific Center are working on a digital barista, a smart system that will describe the taste of coffee grains without a human specialist. This project, developed with Siberian Federal University and business partners, is set to be used in vending coffee machines.


  • FoodTech Trends Every Startup Creator Should Know

    Experts predict that the global foodtech market will be valued at $300 billion by 2027 (compared to $247 billion in 2021). This rapid growth is attributed to the emergence of new technologies as a response to global challenges. During a recent demo day at ITMO’s foodtech accelerator, Anna Nenakhova, the CEO of Uralchem ​​Innovation, talked about the key trends that fledgling startup creators should pay attention to. ITMO.NEWS provides the cliff notes.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #21

    We invite you to enjoy this year’s final digest of science news from ITMO University. Today, we’ve got: a breakthrough in the fight against autoimmune disease, curious projects from the realm of FoodTech, an interview with one of ITMO’s most decorated students, and more.


  • Top Projects of ITMO’s First FoodTech Accelerator

    In 2022, ITMO launched its first accelerator for foodtech projects, where participants learned to manage teams, choose the most appropriate markets for their products, and attract investments. Read on to learn more about the projects that went through to the final and were presented in front of experts.
