Search by tag «Harvard» 2 results

  • Harvard Medical School Professor Peter Kharchenko: Using Statistics To Understand How Cells Work

    Peter Kharchenko is one of the world’s leading specialists in transcriptome research. He received a PhD in Biophysics at Harvard University, studying gene regulation and metabolic networks under the advisement of George Church, a renowned geneticist and a molecular engineer, Director of and a science communicator. These days, Peter is head of his own lab at Harvard Medical School. In December, Peter visited ITMO University with an open lecture. We got to talk to him about the statistics needed to understand how cells work and why this research can help in disease diagnosis. 


  • Interdisciplinary Innovations at ITMO University: In Conversation With ChemBio Professor Ekaterina Skorb

    Last September, ITMO University chemistry professor Ekaterina Skorb won the L’Oreal – UNESCO “For Women in Science” contest. For the past year, she has conducted research as part of ITMO University’s ChemBio Cluster in the past year. ITMO.NEWS met with Prof. Skorb to talk about the results of 2018, Russia’s scientific prospects and her love of opera.
