Search by tag «ITMO Volunteer Center» 2 results

  • People Need You: Volunteering at ITMO University

    The volunteering movement is rapidly growing: more and more people start to recognize the importance of рrotecting the environment and their city, as well as helping people around them and those less fortunate. At ITMO University, this task lies with the Volunteer Center that in 2020 was named the best among other university centers. In this article, Alena Tarasova, a curator of ITMO’s Volunteer Center, speaks about volunteering at ITMO and its benefits.


  • Entrepreneur Evgeny Mutovkin on Helping Volunteers and Cooperating with His Alma Mater

    Amid the spread of the novel coronavirus, ITMO’s Volunteer Center has launched an initiative to help the university’s older staff. The volunteers deliver groceries and medicines, and also help to tune in online services for those who are forced to observe a strict quarantine due to being especially at risk. Entrepreneur Evgeny Mutovkin, a former student of ITMO University, has supported the student initiative by equipping the volunteers with electric scooters rented by his company to make the delivery faster. He speaks about his cooperation with his alma mater and himself in this interview with ITMO.NEWS.
