Search by tag «Information Systems» 4 results

  • Cyber-Corona: How Businesses Managed the Transition to Working From Home

    A recent survey by the RAEC, the Higher School of Economics, and Microsoft has shown that 54% of Russian companies have switched to working from home due to the pandemic. But it wasn’t always a breeze. 


  • ITMO’s Avatar: A Truly Digital University

    Virtual assistants are growing more and more popular – they help us plan our days, find the most relevant information, make recommendations and facilitate our most frequent actions making our lives easier. What if we take such an assistant, delegate part of some actual human responsibilities to it, equip it with values and personal qualities – and then let it out into a university’s digital ecosystem, where all the students and lecturers are already communicating with each other? ITMO’s Avatar is exactly that, and in this ITMO.NEWS article we will tell you all about this idea, the stages it includes, the project’s team and unique features. 


  • How IT Technology Saves Lives

    At ITMO University, as part of the orientation week for first-year students of the High-Performance Computing Department, a lecture was given by Alexei Yakovlev, head of Acute Coronary Syndrome Research Laboratory at the Almazov National Medical Research Center. Dr. Yakovlev spoke about how technology, doctors and patients interact with each other today and what the medical center does as part of its partnership with ITMO University.


  • Deputy Head of St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Center: Why the City Needs IT Experts and How to Create Systems for the Government

    How the “Smart City” system works, what kinds of programmers does St. Petersburg need right now and what is the difference between working as an IT expert at a commercial firm and at a government enterprise? Starting in September 2017, the Department of State Information Systems Management will form a supervisory board for the Master’s degree program “State Information Systems Management”. The board will include representatives from the city’s various businesses and enterprises at which the future graduates might find employment. Its main task is to provide IT-specialists with practice-oriented training. First deputy head of St. Petersburg Information and Analytics Center, professor Yuri Zakharov, will serve as chair of the board and program coordinator. In an interview with ITMO.NEWS, he spoke about how information systems for government use are created and which skills IT-specialists need to possess if they want to start a career in this field.
