Search by tag «Open Doors» 3 results

  • Apply for Open Doors To Study at ITMO for Free

    The Open Doors contest is a fantastic chance for international students to win a Russian Government grant and enroll in Master's and PhD programs at the country's leading universities, including ITMO, on a tuition-free basis. Find out more on the contest and how to apply in this article.


  • How to Enter Russian Universities Through ITMO University’s International Competitions

    International competitions, such as Open Doors and Open Competitions in Mathematics and Computer Science for school students, allow school and university students from all over the world to continue their studies at ITMO University or other Russian institutions. We compiled a guide to this year’s competitions


  • Open Doors Competition for Tuition-Free Master’s Studies in Russia: ITMO to Coordinate Computer & Data Science Track

    The organizing committee of the Open Doors international competition has announced the start of the qualification round, which is a portfolio contest, for international prospective Master’s students wanting to study in Russia. 2019 will be the third year that the competition has been hosted. ITMO.NEWS met with Polina Petrusha, Advisor to First Vice Rector, to find out how many winners of last year’s Open Doors enrolled at ITMO, what is needed to pass the portfolio round, and how this year’s competition will differ from the previous ones.
