Search by tag «Planning» 6 results
Discovery of the Month: AI Tools, Stopwatches, and More
In February, we worked and studied hard, found new ways to manage our time, discovered new tools, and dove deep into knowledge. Read on to learn what made this month special for our editorial team!
Discovery of the Month: Indoor Rowing, Neoclassical Palaces, and More
What a month January has been! We here at ITMO.NEWS did not sit still – hence a hefty list of discoveries, big and small, that you’ll find below. Hopefully, they’ll bring you some inspiration for the month to come!
How to Get Your Life Together: Answers From ITMO.NEWS
When you are a student, you get at least two chances a year for a new beginning: at New Year's and at the start of the academic year. If you find yourself at a crossroads as September looms closer, we’ve put together some steps for getting back on track – based on the tips and experiences we’ve shared over the years.
How NOT To Plan Your Year
How do you kick off the most productive and prosperous year? With careful planning, of course! Or not! Let our devious advice (вредные советы – vrednyie sovety in Russian) be your guiding star in what to absolutely not to do. Make sure not to follow it and you will be fine.
Back to School: Set Up Your Ultimate Study Routine
It’s that time of the year again and you don’t know where to start with your studies? Don’t worry, here is all our back-to-school wisdom in one short article. Let’s get those grades!
Planning 101: Must-Have Apps To Stay on Top of Things
No matter who you are, you probably wish there were more hours in a day. With studies, work, and buzzing social life, sometimes it just feels like you have way too much on your plate. But what if I told you that you don't need to be a magician in order to juggle all your life’s tasks. You simply need to make the best use of your trusty pal – that’s right, your smartphone. Here are our top five apps to help you free up your schedule, find time for your personal life, and focus on getting things done.