Search by tag «Product» 3 results

  • ITMO PhD Student Creates Prosthetic Rehabilitation Aid for People With Motor Disorders

    Artem Meinov, a PhD student at the Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Systems, has developed a prosthetic training aid for people with motor disorders. The new device helps to strengthen elbow flexor muscles and, in contrast to its competitors, it’s portable and can be personalized. Artem has already presented his prototype at a national rehabilitation industry forum and is planning to start its mass production. ITMO.NEWS takes a closer look at the project.


  • Product Manager vs. Project Manager: What’s in the Name?

    ITMO University’s Entrepreneurship Center hosted a lecture on product management by Alexey Grunsky, product director at the online store, former head of The Black Cat web studio and interactive agency Skylab. The expert spoke about the daily grind of product managers, their responsibilities, and what makes them different from project managers. ITMO.NEWS put down the keynotes.


  • Antivirus Invention by Scientists of ITMO’s ChemBio Cluster Soon to Appear in Shops

    A unique virus and bacteria inhibitor, Blocker has become the first product released by Inno-Colloids, a small innovative enterprise based at ITMO University. Soon, it can be found on the shelves of the supermarket chain Lenta.
