Search by tag «Quantum Optics» 7 results

  • Bound States in the Continuum: Theory and Applications

    Bound states in the continuum (BICs) are at the basis of ultra-sensitive sensors, compact optical devices, and optical computers. In this article, Zarina Kondratenko, a senior researcher at ITMO’s Faculty of Physics, unravels the conundrum and shares ongoing projects in the field by ITMO researchers.


  • New Discovery Makes Cheap, Compact Lasers Possible

    Researchers from ITMO have demonstrated a novel technique for generation of laser radiation that utilizes perovskite metasurfaces. The solution will pave the way for next-gen lasers that are less than 100 nm thick and require significantly less energy. The invention can be incorporated into compact photonic chips for light control or used as an intense light source in medicine (e.g., for tissue or blood diagnostics), materials processing, astronomy, and other fields. The results of this study were published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials.


  • Bringing New Technologies Closer: ITMO PI Mikhail Petrov Talks Quantum Nanophotonics, Optical Levitation, and Research Management

    Coming from a family of physicists, Mikhail Petrov didn’t have to think long to choose his career path. His career started at one of the best schools in the city, then led him to Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, to Finland, and finally – to ITMO, where he works on his own research, leading a team of young scientists. Among the several projects developed by his team is quantum memory, as well as optical levitation and optical tweezers. In this article, he shares how fundamental research fosters next-gen technologies and offers tips on managing a team of theoretical physicists.


  • New Method of Quantum Entanglement Generation Suggested at ITMO

    The university’s scientists have come up with a versatile way to generate quantum correlations and entanglements that makes it possible to dynamically change the system’s parameters and tweak photon characteristics such as bunching and antibunching. This study paves the way towards coding entangled states in superconducting qubits and processing quantum information on next-gen optical chips.


  • ITMO Researchers Twist Particles Using Quantum Entanglement

    Twisted particles have found their applications in many fields, such as optomechanics, biology, astrophysics, as well as quantum optics, information science, and communications, where, for instance, they can be used to increase data capacity. However, as these particles are primarily obtained through diffraction gratings, they can’t yet be used for experiments in nuclear and particle physics given the high energies of particles used in contemporary colliders. As a solution to this problem, physicists from ITMO University have suggested a method of obtaining such particles using the so-called generalized measurements, without relying on any special equipment. Their research was supported by a Russian Science Foundation grant, with its results published in The European Physical Journal C (Particles and Fields).


  • ITMO University Launches Laboratory of Quantum Processes and Measurements

    ITMO University has recently launched a new unit that specializes in studying quantum processes. According to the founders of the new laboratory, they are planning to introduce breakthrough theoretical developments of fundamental physics into experimental science. ITMO.NEWS contacted Anton Kozubov, the head of the new laboratory’s theoretical department, in order to learn more about the tasks that the scientists have set for themselves, as well as why their completion can expand the horizons of modern physics.


  • Quantum Physicist Oleksandr Kyriienko on the Future of Computing and Making a Career in Science

    Oleksandr Kyriienko came to ITMO University as a part of the University’s Fellowship Program. His scientific career has led him through several different fields of physics and to various countries, including Iceland, Singapore and Brazil. ITMO.NEWS asked Oleksandr about the peculiar nature of such life and other important aspects of being a scientist in the 21st century.
