Search by tag «Remote work» 5 results

  • The Subtle Art of Teaching Online

    The world saw a tremendous increase in online lectures during lockdown and in no time it became a trend. Apparently, teaching and learning online is going to be a part of our lives forever. Here are a few tricks that I learned from over 100 hours of teaching online.


  • Cyber-Corona: How Businesses Managed the Transition to Working From Home

    A recent survey by the RAEC, the Higher School of Economics, and Microsoft has shown that 54% of Russian companies have switched to working from home due to the pandemic. But it wasn’t always a breeze. 


  • ITMO Staff Develop Cloud Platform for Virtual Labs

    The platform will allow students to perform their lab projects online and professors – to create hybrid laboratories based on real and virtual equipment, as well as automate the process of issuing and checking of students’ assignments.


  • How Coworking Spaces Help Remote Workers Stay on Track and Find New Friends and Colleagues

    The term coworking appeared only 13 years ago and until recently it was only familiar to freelancers and entrepreneurs. However, the pandemic turned things around and today, more and more people are moving away from the office and embracing coworking spaces – on their own or by order of their employers.  


  • How to Get a Grip on Working or Studying from Home: Tips and Tricks

    The pandemic has forced millions of people to transition to studying and working from home – and for some, this transition hasn’t gone smoothly. If this is your case, heed this advice from Marina Kotlyarova, a psychologist and member of the International Coaches Union, International Coach & Trainer Association, and the Association for Career Consulting and Support. 
