Search by tag «Solution Chemistry» 3 results

  • ITMO Researchers Develop Unique Printing Technology for Invisible Images

    This inkjet printing technology makes it possible to create a transparent protective image that can only be seen using polarized light – such as when using a smartphone screen.


  • Science Conference for New Generation: International Sol-Gel Conference Starts at ITMO University

    August 26 marked the start of the 20th International Sol-Gel Conference. Taking place at ITMO University, it is dedicated to research in the field of solution chemistry. This is the first time that the prestigious event is being held in Russia. More than 500 participants from China, France, Germany and other countries gathered in St. Petersburg to discuss the future of the field, share about their experience, explore promising developments, and talk about their own research topics in the format of stand-up presentations as part of the Science Slam project. The main topic of the anniversary conference was supporting young researchers.


  • ITMO’s Magnetically Controlled Thrombolytic Received a Grant for Non-clinical Studies

    A new magnetically controlled thrombolytic developed at ITMO University received governmental support. International Laboratory "Solution Chemistry of Advanced Materials and Technologies" has won a grant for conducting non-clinical studies of the medical product. Having joined the Federal Target Program "Development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry" the project received 33 million rubles for the research.
