Search by tag «Specialists of the Future» 2 results

  • Digital Humanities Specialist

    Researchers of the past had hundreds or, in the best-case scenario, thousands of documents. Now, at least 130 million books are available to us. How do you study millions of sources and make their analysis interesting for a wide audience? What tools do digital museums and new media use? Why mix data science and philosophy? Specialists in the field of digital humanities (DH) try to answer these questions. In this issue of the What Will You Be project, we’ll talk about DH and the related ITMO University’s program.


  • Island 10-21: Russian First Educational Program For Data Economy and NTI Specialists

    Island 10-21, the first intensive workshop hosted by the University of National Technology Initiative (NTI) together with the Russian Venture Company, the Data Economy nonprofit organization, and Far Eastern Federal University, was held on Russky Island on July 10-21. More than 1,000 people attended the event. ITMO University became the workshop education partner: the university’s experts organized a series of study sessions on intellectual property, technological entrepreneurship, cognitive technologies, and scientific communication.
