Search by tag «Teamwork» 6 results

  • Teamwork and Business Communications: ITMO Researchers Name Most Wanted Soft Skills

    Researchers from ITMO have conducted a large-scale study on the demand for soft skills among employers. The authors have analyzed over 67,000 job listings and conducted surveys and in-depth interviews with employers and ITMO students. Among the most important competencies, representatives of businesses have named the ability to work in a team and to establish communications. Findings of the study have been published in Nature.


  • Burnout in Academia: How It Happens and How To Prevent It

    No professional field is safe from burnout – and academia is no exception. We talked to Elena Ushakova, an ITMO PI and head of the Functionalized Carbon Nanoparticles project, about the effects of burnout on researchers and how it can be prevented.


  • A Greenhouse for Startups: ITMO Accelerator Opens Applications

    The ITMO Accelerator is an initiative that helps young entrepreneurs take their startups through all stages of development, from mere ideas to first sales. Having updated its format three years ago, the project has nurtured over 190 startups. In that time, over 3,700 teams from universities across Russia have applied to join the accelerator – and now is your chance to join, too. Learn more about the project’s opportunities in this article.


  • How to Organize Teamwork and Avoid Conflicts: Tips by an ITMO Graduate

    As part of the Creating a Technology Business course, Viktor Viktorov, an ITMO graduate and a development director of the Crystal Service Integration company, shared his experience in managing both small and large teams.


  • ITMO University’s Personal Development Center Launches a Course on Team Creativity

    The international educational platform Global Education Futures, which unites the world’s leading experts in the field of futurology, considers co-creation the key skill of the 21st century. Futurologists predict that by 2025, the approach to hiring workers will have undergone a radical change: instead of individual specialists, employers will take on creative project teams. Helping master this new but vital competency is Carousel of Creative Technologies, a team creativity development course developed by ITMO University’s Personal Development Center “Rhythm” together with the coaching company T&D Technologies. Over the course of a month and a half, from March 5 to April 16, the participants will attend six workshops and undertake a business quest which will result in completed team projects. 


  • Creative Technologies: A New Core Course at ITMO University

    In September 2018 ITMO University launched a new core set of disciplines titled ‘Creative Technologies” for first-year Master’s degree students. Based on the experience of leading global universities, the course aims to foster the students’ creative thinking and abilities and consists of online classes involving top creative figures from Russia and abroad. The program was developed by ITMO University’s lighting design experts Natalya Bystryantseva, Ilia Smilga, and Elena Lekus. In an interview with ITMO.NEWS, the course’s authors shared some insights into the new university-wide initiative.
