Search by tag «Technosphere Safety» 2 results

  • Cheap and Simple Method of Detection of Harmful Gases Suggested by ITMO Researchers

    Researchers from ITMO and North Ossetian State University have suggested a brand-new cheap and highly sensitive method of detecting hazardous hydrogen halides that are toxic for humans. The new perovskite nanolaser-based method is able to detect dangerous concentrations of various substances that can vary in the range of 5-500 molecules per a million of air molecules. Their suggestion may provide the basis for highly sensitive compact gas leak detectors for the food and chemical industries.


  • ITMO’s GreenTech Launches New Master’s Program in Environmental and Technosphere Safety

    ITMO’s Faculty of Energy and Ecotechnology (GreenTech) has launched a new program in environmental and technosphere safety, where students will also learn about metrology and standardization. Knowledge in these fields can be used for sustainable development, as well as at various organizations – from industry and engineering companies to governmental agencies. 
