Search by tag «Thesis» 15 results

  • Business-Turned-Thesis: How To Defend a Startup as a Thesis and Make Your First Money

    It often happens that students start looking for a job after graduation: first, they are too busy writing their papers and then, once they graduate, they are unsure about where and how to apply their newly-acquired competencies. There is, however, an alternative scenario. Instead of writing a conventional thesis, ITMO students can launch their own startups and defend them as part of the Business Project as Thesis initiative. The program welcomed 385 students over the past five years, and the most successful ones even received their first investments. Read on to find out why and how to join the initiative below.


  • How Not to Defend Your Thesis: Our Best (Worst) Advice

    In Russian, we have this handy term, vrednye sovety (literally “bad advice”) that stands for tips that you absolutely shouldn't follow. So that’s what we are offering you today: to take the edge off the upcoming thesis defenses, read through our list of bad tips (and some wisdom). If you are not doing anything we’re talking about – great job, you’re halfway there! 


  • Edible Tableware, Ecomonitoring, and Smart Packaging: Graduation Projects of ITMO Students in Innovation Entrepreneurship

    This summer, ITMO’s Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations (FTMI) held a thesis defense where future foodtech entrepreneurs presented their graduation projects and startup ideas. Keep reading to learn more about what ideas students came up with, when their products will make it to stores and restaurants, and what they have to say about today’s market.


  • Best Graduation Papers Among ITMO Students

    Two students of the Physics of Nanostructures Bachelor’s and Physics and Technology of Nanostructures Master’s programs won the national competition for the best graduation papers in the category Photonics, Instrumentation, Optical Biotechnical Systems, and Technologies.


  • ITMO’s Best Graduation Papers 2021: Big Data, Biotech, and More

    This year, 12 Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates won ITMO’s annual competition for the best thesis. 


  • New X-Ray Detectors, Innovative Skincare and Meditation in VR: ITMO Students Defend Startups as Theses

    ITMO University students have recently presented more than 30 projects in various fields – including IT, FoodTech, and green technologies – as their graduation theses and defended them before an expert board. This marks the second year that this relatively new initiative is carried out at ITMO. Alexander Galitsky, a famous investor and member of ITMO’s Supervisory Council, also attended the defence. ITMO.NEWS visited the event to talk to the creators of the most interesting projects. 


  • ITMO Students Will Be Able to Defend their Theses as Scientific Papers

    ITMO University is adding more options for thesis defense. In addition to the Startup as Thesis and Art Project as Thesis initiatives, students will soon be able to defend their thesis as a scientific article.


  • Writing Your Thesis: Insiders’ Tips

    When it comes to writing a thesis – the apotheosis of your studies – there're always more questions than answers. Why is it so important to take it seriously? What to pay attention to? How to deal with procrastination and stress? We’ve asked our experienced Master’s students to share their life hacks and advice on this sensitive topic.


  • Organizing Your References 101: Apps and Tips

    Writing a thesis is almost always a combination of the joy of discovery and the stress of putting it into words, which is made worse by the scary monster of references. Where to look for sources? How not to drown in them? How to properly use them in your paper? Despair not! You’ll be amazed at how easy and satisfying it is to conquer it all, step by step.


  • Carbon Dots and Solar Cells: Best Graduation Papers Among ITMO Students

    The research papers of students at ITMO’s Faculty of Photonics and Optical Information were named best in the category Photonics, Instrumentation, Optical Biotechnical Systems, and Technologies. They told ITMO.NEWS about their research projects and their potential development.
