Search by tag «Trust in technologies» 1 results

  • ITMO University Specialists Find Out How Much St. Petersburg Citizens Trust Online Shops, Communication on Social Media, and Online Banking

    Specialists from the eGovernment Center of ITMO University’s Institute of Design & Urban Studies have conducted a research on the degree to which St. Petersburg residents trust modern technologies, both generally and in specific spheres of life. In particular, the sociologists tried to determine how much the citizens trust online shopping, communicating with government agencies on the internet, and data security on social networks. The work is conducted within the framework of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research project No. 18-311-20001 “The study of cyber-social trust in the context of the use and renouncement of information technologies”. ITMO.NEWS contacted the project’s head Lyudmila Vidyasova to find out what conclusions the researchers came to. 
