Search by tag «be ITMO» 2 results

  • Digital Happiness: Winning Solutions from Be ITMO Hackathon

    The recent Be ITMO hackathon brought together over 100 participants, who spent four days developing their prototypes of digital services that can help students get the most of their university life. Winners of the hackathon shared the 220,000 rubles prize fund and secured their chance of implementing their projects with the university’s tech teams. 


  • How ITMO Celebrated Its 122nd Birthday

    On March 26, ITMO University turned 122 years old! Students and employees had a whole week to celebrate this occasion by taking part in various online and offline activities. Everyone could enjoy healthy snacks, play Twister, Jenga, or oversized chess, as well as become a web detective. Moreover, the be ITMO platform, which provides info on all kinds of opportunities the university provides, was launched just in time for this joyous occasion.
