Search by tag «popular science» 92 results
The Heat-Ray: How H.G. Wells Predicted Lasers
H.G. Wells is a sci-fi writer who got a jaw-dropping share of the future right. Nearly 80% of technologies described in his writings have eventually come true: from automatic sliding doors to space travel. Among such is the laser, or the Heat-Ray as it’s called in The War of the Worlds. What is the Heat-Ray? How close was the futurist in his predictions? And how much science is there in sci-fi? Van Gulinyan, a laboratory assistant at ITMO’s Faculty of Physics, knows the answers.
Unsolvable Problems and Human Computers: Physics and Fantasy in The Three-Body Problem
Liu Cixin’s The Three-Body Problem is one of the most well-known sci-fi novels of the 21st century. In the book, fictional ideas are intertwined with complex scientific theories – and it may be hard to tell them apart. Stanislav Baturin, a leading researcher at ITMO’s School of Physics and Engineering, sheds some light on the science of the novel.
Everything Wrong With Arrakis: A Physicist’s Take on Dune
The universe of Dune knows how to impress: with its giant worms, a desert planet, and human supercomputers. Is anything from this fictional world based in scientific fact? Which inventions did Frank Herbert foresee? And what do stillsuits and spacesuits have in common? Mikhail Sokolov, a senior researcher at ITMO’s Institute of Laser Technologies, dotted all the i’s in his recent open lecture.
ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #70
Though the year nears its conclusion, there’s still no shortage of exciting science news at ITMO University. Groundbreaking research, successful startups, and exciting insights into the science of the Sun and secrets of artistic masterpieces – all in today’s roundup.
Comeback of the Year: Quantum Potential Stand-Up Show Returns to Stage in Sochi
What makes scientists cry? Are innovations subjective? What sort of beast is a non-reproducible experiment and how do you tame one? These were the subjects of jokes that filled the air at the ninth Quantum Potential stand-up comedy show. On November 28, members of ITMO’s science stand-up club returned to Sochi as part of the 4th Congress of Young Scientists. What happened next? Read on to find out.
Real-Life Superheroes: A Scientific Take on Superpowers
Telepathy, invisibility, levitation – no, these are not just for superheroes; these days, it’s something you can accomplish with science. In this article, we ask Pavel Belov, the head of ITMO’s School of Physics and Engineering, if it’s possible to become a superhero in real life.
Not Just Sphinxes and the Hermitage: Scientific Symbol of St. Petersburg Selected
The results of the project school in scientific souvenirs’ design in St. Petersburg have been announced. Participants of the school worked on their logos and souvenirs to be recognized as the city’s new scientific symbols, alongside its signature landmarks. Winners received monetary prizes, as well as an opportunity to release their own limited-edition merch. The contest was held by ITMO’s Center for Science Communication, with support from St. Petersburg's Foundation for Support of Innovations and Youth Initiatives.
(Not) A Serious Discussion: Humor as a Tool To Promote Science
Laughter doesn't only increase longevity but also promotes science; it also helps achieve breakthroughs and make learning stick, as believed by scientists and lecturers. How and why should we use comedy in science and education? Do physicists crack good jokes? And how many “grams” of laughter should there be in a scientific joke? Here's a special guide we compiled based on the recent Noble Talk by Andrey Sebrant, the strategic marketing director at Yandex, and Yakov Somov, a co-founder of Lectorium.
Science, Culture, Medicine, and Humor: Noble Talks by ITMO Kick Off in St. Petersburg
ITMO’s Center for Science Communication has launched a series of free pop-science lectures titled Noble Talks at New Holland Island. Here, scientists, medical specialists, artists, and tech experts will discuss scientific, medical, and technological breakthroughs in the wake of the 2024 Nobel Week and analyze trends from different perspectives.
Good Chaos: How Chaos Theory Helps Scientists and Everyone Else
“Your desk is a mess!” Have you heard this phrase before? But if it’s more or less clear with domestic chaos, “scientific” chaos is more complicated. In this article, ITMO.NEWS – assisted by ITMO physicists Dmitry Shcherbinin and Semyon Rudyi – looks into chaos theory and explains how chaos helps make weather predictions and develop advanced diagnostics tools.