Search by tag «science communication» 80 results

  • Science Comics, Media About Oceans – And Other Projects From ITMO’s SciComm School

    Recently, students from all over Russia came together at ITMO to create all kinds of science communication projects: comics about scientists, topical festivals, new media, and more. All projects were curated by ITMO lecturers. Why is science communication an important skill for physicists and biotechnologists? Read on to find out.


  • YAC/e Conference: AI Ethics and Why IT Needs Humanities

    Several years ago, some of Russia’s major companies and universities, including ITMO University, signed the AI Ethics Code – a set of voluntary principles and rules designed to create an environment for ethical development of AI technologies. How should specialists cope with gray areas when creating novel products? What do developers need to know besides the technologies themselves? And why are humanities essential for AI? These questions were discussed by experts from ITMO, Yandex, and the European University at St. Petersburg during Yandex’s major educational conference YAC/e.


  • Something of a Scientist Myself: Using Memes to Promote Science?

    Just like anyone these days, we can’t resist a good meme: they are funny, concise, and can often say more than a thousand words. But what are they really? And can their power be harnessed for good – for instance, in science communication? We turned to Tatiana Melenteva, the chief editor at ITMO’s Center for Science Communication, for answers. Here’s what we found out!


  • This Is a Sign: Translating Popular Science into Sign Language

    According to the WHO, around 466 million people worldwide suffer from disabling hearing loss. Usually, their means of communication with the world are sign languages and various technologies, as well as specialists capable of translating spoken languages to sign ones. In this ITMO.NEWS story, we take a look at the way modern environments are made inclusive to the deaf – and how to improve them.


  • New IT Specialization To Appear in Russia

    The new specialization IT Communications will be offered within the Master's program Science Communication at ITMO University. Students of the program will learn to advertise IT products and create related educational initiatives under the guidance of top-tier machine learning professionals.


  • (Un)Popular Science: Making Research Accessible

    A curious contradiction has been discovered in a recent survey by the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Zircon group: while 65-70% of surveyed Russians claim to be interested in science, only 16% actually stay up to date on research news. To understand this phenomenon, scientists looked at the factors that make readers less – or more – drawn to science. They shared their insights during a meetup hosted by ITMO’s Center for Science Communication – here are the highlights.


  • The Results of ITMO’s First Large-Scale Study of Quality of Life in Academia

    An interdisciplinary team from ITMO’s Institute of International Development and Partnership and Center for Science Communication has summed up the results of a large-scale study of health and quality of life meant to determine the factors that affect the health and overall well-being of the university’s students and staff. The first stage of the study involved 394 participants who had to fill out a questionnaire about their lifestyles, well-being, and mental health. Apart from the questionnaire, 284 participants have also taken a blood test. Their results were then compared to standards in their age group. Read on to learn more about the main findings of the survey and the future of the project.


  • Recap of Material Science Communication School by ITMO, MISiS, and Rusnano

    The Material Science Communication School, which took place at ITMO in early September, brought together 35 students and young scientists, as well as top-notch experts in materials science and science communication from Rusnano, ITMO, and the National University of Science and Technology MISiS. Within three days, participants listened to experts’ views on the future of science and its popularization, as well as developed communication strategies for their projects. Here are the highlights from the school.


  • SciComm for School Students: ITMO’s Workshop at Nanograd Summer School

    For ten years, Nanograd, a summer school for school students from all over Russia, has been running various workshops with real-world cases from companies. This year, the school took place in St. Petersburg, and its participants could join a workshop by ITMO’s Center for Science Communication, as well as special lectures and lab tours. Read on for the school’s highlights.


  • How ITMO Trains Specialists in Public Health Sciences

    Last year, the university’s Center for Science Communication launched Russia’s first-ever English-language Master’s program in public health sciences. Its students train to become specialists in medical research, epidemiology, healthcare, and health economy. The program’s first students are already participating in major medical research. We spoke to Anton Barchuk, an oncoepidemiologist and head of the program, and Ksenia Spiridonova, the program’s coordinator, about the program and its benefits.
