The startupers believe that their invention will be exploited in video adverts shooting, photo finish fixation or and studies of high-speed processes. These cameras can be also used in labs, but it is not necessary for a camera to record constantly — using special sensors it responds to certain triggers and then starts recording.

The members of the team conducted a marketing research so as to detect the disadvantages of modern high-speed cameras. Most devices lack embedded memory, which significantly limits their opportunities, and cost up to several thousand dollars.

Alexey Nuyanzin

The maximum recording speed of MPMVision will be about 1,700 frames per second, provided that the image quality is 640×480р. The camera will also be able to shoot Full HD videos at 250 FPS. Its memory capacity will be 64 GB, which gives an opportunity to make 100 second high-speed videos. Thanks to global shutter mode, one can make videos without distortions. The camera can be controlled remotely by Android devices. The developers plan to improve the device so as to make it possible to change lenses.

According to the startupers, over 20% of the high-speed camera market is taken up by low-cost devices. MPMVision plans to occupy this niche. The cameras will be available for both sale and rent. There will also be such an option as a lifetime support when any camera can be upgraded if a customer needs it.

MPMVision camera Photo credit:

"The main parameter affecting the prime cost of a camera is a price of photo sensor. In theory, one can increase the speed rate of shooting, and save the same prime cost. It is planned that in the subsequent models, the duration of high-speed shooting will be significantly increased. For these purposes we continue to monitor scientific achievements in this field so as to further develop our project," says Alexey Nuyanzin.

The prototype of the MPMVision will be released in Summer, 2017. Apart from development, the startupers conduct market surveys and look for investors.

"We are also going to work on algorithms for computer vision so as to sell cameras for industrial purposes. Sometimes typical sensors cannot detect the reason of assembly line’s failure. Thanks to a high response rate, high-speed cameras can fix this problem," explains Mr. Nuyanzin.

The project will be presented at the DemoDay startup session on February, 18.