Who can participate in the competition?
Both Bachelor’s/Specialist (starting with second year) and Master’s students are eligible to participate in the competition.
Selection criteria
When choosing candidates for semester exchange, the competition coordinators assess a student's academic performance, English language level (B2 being the required minimum), motivation to study abroad, proactive attitude, willingness to return to ITMO University and share the experience obtained (general and academic).

Get advice
Semester exchange is not a vacation, it is an extremely important step. Before you start your journey, talk to the head of your program and make sure that the trip won’t interfere with your studies at ITMO University. Discuss it with your parents, you may need their financial support. Check with your employer if you can work remotely. Talk to other students who returned from the exchange program or are still abroad; you can find them in discussions on the ITMO Student Exchange VK page.
How to choose a university?
You should start by choosing countries you would like to travel to. Check with the head of your program, perhaps, they will suggest a specific university that suits you best. Choose up to three universities that offer disciplines within your major at ITMO University. The list can be found on the website. Be sure to check the application deadline for the partner university and the list of required documents.

How to choose disciplines?
Students must earn 30 ECTS (academic credits) per semester. A minimum of 9 ECTS (for BSc) and 12 ECTS (for MSc) must correspond to the core subjects studied at ITMO University as part of the major.
Selecting your disciplines, make sure to consult the head of your educational program at ITMO University as it is they who approve and sign your Learning Agreement – an official agreement to count the subjects you’ll study as part of your exchange towards the completion of your study program at ITMO University. It is necessary to choose the maximum number of disciplines available to you in a foreign university. Upon your return, they will be reconsidered at ITMO University, and you can compensate for the difference upon your return or remotely while studying abroad.
How to apply?
You can apply via your personal ISU page. Please use your @niuitmo.ru mail.
To take part in the first part of the competition you will need a letter of motivation and a CV, proof of your English language proficiency, and a video CV in English.
There, you should talk about yourself, your academic and personal achievements, why and where you want to go for a semester exchange, and how this trip will help in your future career and life.
Use a valid TOEFL/IELTS certificate or take the test and get a certificate at ITMO University’s Foreign Language Training Center. Sign up for testing here.

NOTE: if you want to study in another language (German, French, Italian, etc.), you have to provide a certificate of proficiency in this language.
When filling out the questionnaire, mark the program you want to study. If the partner university offers only modules for exchange students (without enrollment in a specific program), then indicate “Exchange Program” in your application.
You can submit an application within the established deadline, however, the earlier you apply for the competition, the sooner you will get to the interview. It can be your advantage over other candidates, if you are willing to go to a university that has a September/March deadline for applications.
Follow the competition’s deadline: we update information about the start of the competition and the deadlines on ISU and ITMO University’s social networks.
Still some questions left unanswered? Subscribe to our Instagram page and follow the stories of the students who are now abroad. For additional information, please email outgoing@itmo.ru.
International Educational Programs Office