Search by tag «Hobbies» 12 results

  • All About Photography in St. Petersburg

    Congratulations to anyone and everyone with an eye for beauty: today is August 19, aka World Photography Day. To honor the occasion, we’ve put together a guide to St. Petersburg for any pro, amateur, or simply those who enjoy the art of the still image: from the best museums and galleries to tips for where to get your camera – all in one place.


  • Discovery of the Month: Portable Gaming, New Recipes, and More

    This July, we’ve been exploring all kinds of new avenues: time management tricks, cool summer recipes, exciting hobbies, and new ways to play our favorite games. Check out our discoveries in the story below.


  • How To Have Fun and Learn New Skills in Russia (Without Speaking Russian)

    The language barrier might keep you from pursuing your passion or finding a new hobby. Thankfully, there are ways to learn a new skill, be creative, and overall enjoy yourself without – or almost without – the need to use Russian.


  • ITMO.NEWS Guide to Writing a Blog

    Did you know ITMO.NEWS has a blog section where students share their experiences and passions? We encourage you, too, to share your story – whether it's your account of a study trip, a favorite spot in the city, or simply a bit of professional (or personal) wisdom you wish to share with fellow students and staff of ITMO. If you’re not too sure where to start, here is the collected wisdom of our editorial team to help you along the way. Let’s dive in! 


  • How To Draw Every Day Without Going Crazy

    While some artists believe that it’s a bad idea to force yourself to draw every single day, many others claim this is the best way to improve your skills. In my experience, this approach does work, but only if: a) it’s compatible with your lifestyle, b) you’ve prepared for it in advance. Read on for more tips, ideas, and useful links.


  • Student Spotlight: Muslimbek Abdurakhimov, Uzbekistan

    In this interview, we meet Muslimbek, a first-year Master's student of big data and machine learning at ITMO who shares the essence of his hometown, the driving force behind his venture into machine learning, and his vibrant life beyond studies. A true enthusiast, Muslimbek effortlessly balances academia with a myriad of hobbies. Join us for an inspiring conversation as we uncover his unique journey, offering a glimpse into the soul of a machine learning aficionado.


  • Student Spotlight: Ghaith Azzam, Lebanon

    Meet Ghaith, a second-year Bachelor's student of bioengineering, who is truly a unique and captivating individual. Ghaith's academic journey is just the beginning of his remarkable story. With a profound philosophical perspective on life, he brings a fresh and enlightening approach to the world of bioengineering. In this interview, Ghaith will share his experiences, insights, and invaluable advice, sure to inspire and motivate new students.


  • Fun & Wacky Sports to Try in St. Petersburg: Part 2

    If you’ve checked out the first part of this series and are craving even more endorphin-pumping activities, both indoor and outdoor, here's what to try next.


  • Nature Inside: Beginner’s Guide to Indoor Gardening

    Looking for ways to add some color to your room? Get some plants! From buying a houseplant that speaks to you to keeping it alive, here are some basics of greening up your life.  


  • Fun & Wacky Sports to Try in St. Petersburg

    Whether you’re eager to add some spark to your workout or would like to pick up a new sport, these five activities will do the job for you.
