Search by tag «Physics» 118 results

  • Good Chaos: How Chaos Theory Helps Scientists and Everyone Else

    “Your desk is a mess!” Have you heard this phrase before? But if it’s more or less clear with domestic chaos, “scientific” chaos is more complicated. In this article, ITMO.NEWS – assisted by ITMO physicists Dmitry Shcherbinin and Semyon Rudyi – looks into chaos theory and explains how chaos helps make weather predictions and develop advanced diagnostics tools.


  • Student Spotlight: Abanoub Mikhail, Egypt

    Meet Abanoub Mikhail, a first-year PhD student from Egypt who studies optics at ITMO. In this interview, he shares his motivation for pursuing a PhD in Russia, his passion for both history and physics, and his experiences navigating the challenges of PhD life. Learn what he has to share about his scientific exploration, cultural immersion, and aspirations for the future.


  • Student Spotlight: Myint Myat Kyaw, Myanmar

    Let’s step into the world of Myint Myat Kyaw, a native of Pantanaw, Myanmar, who in this interview shares his journey from the sunny streets of his hometown to the cultural riches of St. Petersburg. Join us as we discover his experiences of studying Russian, adapting to a new climate, and exploring the city's iconic landmarks while pursuing his dreams of academic excellence. 


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #47

    Following the 2023 recap, we’re back with our regular overview of the latest reports, interviews, and explainers from the world of science – both at ITMO and beyond.


  • Research is an Ongoing Process: ITMO Fellow Dmitry Glazov on Studying Dark Matter

    Scientists at ITMO’s Faculty of Physics are conducting atomic and molecular experiments, which are essential to understanding the universe, finding dark matter, and building the nuclear clock. In this article, Dmitry Glazov, a laureate of the ITMO Fellowship program, weighs in on the merits of such experiments and explains why studying atoms and molecules is vital to the discovery of dark matter.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup: 2023 Recap

    All through 2023, we’ve been keeping you updated on all the science news from ITMO. Today, we’re looking at some of the most notable, resonant, and exciting breakthroughs, discoveries, and interviews from the past 12 months


  • Everything You Need To Know About Mathematics Behind Internet

    Is it possible to describe how the internet works using the laws of physics and mathematics? How does the theory of six degrees of separation manifest itself in cyberspace? Why are some sites cited often and others aren’t cited at all? And how can this knowledge improve search engines? Here are the key takeaways from the talk by Andrei Raigorodskii, a Russian mathematician and the head of the Phystech School of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (MIPT), which was delivered as part of the Russian Physics Day 2023.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #43

    In today’s science digest, it’s all about interdisciplinarity: whether it’s physics combined with biology, biology with medicine, or medicine with chemistry, we’ll be shining a light on the remarkable things that happen when scientists of all fields work together for a common good. Let’s have a look!


  • Theoretical Physics: Formulas, Equations, and Scientific Papers

    People often have stereotypical and pop culture-influenced views of scientists, especially when it comes to those engaged in theoretical modeling and mathematical calculations. At the recent Physics Day event, Igor Burmistrov, DSc, a professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the deputy head of the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, spoke about what theoretical physicists do, what their typical day looks like, and how they measure their successes. Here are the highlights from the event – plus an overview of ITMO’s own research in the field.


  • 6 World-Changing Breakthroughs in Modern Physics

    From quantum computers to graphene and the Higgs boson, the last 30 years have seen quite a few significant breakthroughs in physics. What do these discoveries mean and how can they be implemented? Let’s find out what Dmitry Pobedinsky, the host of the YouTube channel Physics by Pobedinsky, has to say about it.
