Search by tag «Digital Culture» 12 results

  • Digital Culture: New Educational Module At ITMO University

    Starting in September 2018, studying a course in Digital Culture will become mandatory for all incoming ITMO students. Since information technologies have entered all aspects of our lives, now every professional has to possess the corresponding competencies. Elena Mikhailova, Advisor to Rector on the Digital Culture program track, shared about this new course and its significance for both ITMO's staff and students.


  • Social Media: Does It Change Us? Here’s What Science Thinks

    These days, it’s impossible for us to imagine spending a day off social media. How do they affect our mind and psyche? There’s always a negative undertone to this question: do they make us dumber, waste our time, or make us vain? But let’s see what science thinks about this matter. ITMO.NEWS sets out to understand – how does social media really change us?
