Search by tag «Laboratories» 16 results

  • Hackathons in Education: ITMO Team Shares Their Experience

    ITMO’s Natural Systems Simulation Lab, operating within the National Center for Cognitive Research, is integrating hackathons into education and research. One of its first great triumphs is an ML model called FEDOT that impressed the expert board and brought the lab’s team a victory at the Emergency DataHack.


  • What ITMO’s Latest Lab Equipment Expansion Means for Student Research

    ITMO University has recently acquired a major batch of new lab equipment: from simple lab kits to professional machinery. Read on to learn what opportunities this offers for ITMO students.


  • ITMO Staff Develop Cloud Platform for Virtual Labs

    The platform will allow students to perform their lab projects online and professors – to create hybrid laboratories based on real and virtual equipment, as well as automate the process of issuing and checking of students’ assignments.


  • Meet the New Radiophysical Lab at ITMO's Faculty of Physics and Engineering

    ITMO University now has a new experimental complex: an anechoic chamber for testing antennas and studying the electrodynamic characteristics of the latest artificial materials. Andrey Sayanskiy, a Research Associate at the Faculty of Physics and Engineering, told ITMO.NEWS about the new complex and what its means for the university.


  • ITMO University Researchers Create a Terahertz Holographic Spectrometer During Self-Isolation

    The pandemic and self-isolation have ruined plans of many scientists: the conferences are postponed, the publishing of articles is delayed, and many projects are frozen. However, research activities are taking place. For example, ITMO University scientists have created a terahertz holographic spectrometer that they need for studying vortex beams of electromagnetic radiation at home. This research is a part of developing new efficient technologies for wireless data transmission. ITMO.NEWS asked the creators of the device how they managed to make it during self-isolation.


  • Exploring New Cultures, Studying New Materials: ITMO Students on Their International Internships

    ITMO collaborates with over a hundred universities all over the world and its students regularly participate in international internships and semester exchanges. In this article, the students of ITMO’s SCAMT Laboratory who’ve recently come back from European universities share their experience and advice on how to take part in an internship abroad and what perks this gives.
