Search by tag «PI School» 13 results

  • PI School Participants Share Their Stories

    ITMO University has recently hosted a summer school for young scholars striving for international recognition. The school participants defended their roadmaps for developing world-class laboratories in their regions and shared their impressions with ITMO.NEWS.


  • Scientific Leadership: ITMO Hosts PI School by SCAMT

    The PI School is designed for young scholars wishing to learn how to put together teams, pose scientific objectives, seek project funding, and publish their results in major peer-reviewed journals. At the end of the one-week course, students will present their roadmaps for creating research laboratories that will be noticed not only in Russia but also in the world.


  • School for Young Scientists: ITMO University Hosts PI School by SCAMT

    The school will feature presentations by leading scholars from different parts of Russia who will speak about their research teams known in the country and abroad. Participants will be able to create laboratories at their higher education institutions with the support of the school’s mentors. The school is organized by ITMO University and the Center for Strategic Research North-West.
