Search by tag «Skills» 12 results

  • Radario Founder and Former ITMO Student Anton Bryantsev on Skills for a Successful Startup

    Anton Bryantsev studied automation and mechatronics at ITMO University, but left after his fourth year. In 2012, together with his business partner Sergey Suchkov, Anton founded a ticketing service Radario and became its chief technology officer. Now, Radario unites 30 ticket operators and platforms and is developing a single ecosystem for the automation of sales and technology-savvy promotion of events. ITMO.NEWS got in touch with Anton to find out whether having technological knowledge is a must for an entrepreneur, how he managed to build a successful startup, and what qualities he looks for in an employee. 


  • WorldSkills Winner on His Competition Experience

    At the end of November, Moscow hosted the final round of the II National Championship of Vocational Skills organized by WorldSkills. ITMO University Master’s student Vladislav Nesterov took second place in the Cryogenic Technology and Conditioning Systems category. With each year that passes, the competition is becoming more and more popular: 93 universities were among the participants in 2018, which is ten more than last year. A total of 400 students from leading Russian higher education institutions from 43 regions came to Moscow to compete for victory. In this interview with ITMO.NEWS, Vladislav Nesterov shares about his preparation process and emotional tension he experienced during the competition’s finals.
