Search by tag «India» 23 results

  • Camp in Programming: Intense Problem-Solving

    The annual summer Camp in Programming welcomes students from all over the world who get hands-on experience and theoretical knowledge in programming and machine learning. This year, the challenge was accepted by students from Luxemburg, USA, Azerbaijan, Venezuela, China, India, and Russia. We caught up with some of them to talk about their experience here. 


  • Master’s Student Mrinal Vashisth: Embracing Interdisciplinarity is Like Discovering Your Superpowers

    Mrinal Vashisth came from Rajasthan, India, to study in ITMO’s Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Master’s program. Before that, Mrinal worked at one of India’s best independent research institutions, and in the future, he plans to focus on neuroscience and research the mechanisms of memory and language. ITMO.NEWS talked to him about the benefits of interdisciplinarity and the power of data.


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: February 16-17

    Travel to India, visit a movie studio, and ride to 19th century Istanbul on an authentic Harley Davidson bike this weekend!
