Search by tag «Career Guidance» 22 results

  • ITMO Hosts The EdCrunchSPb Educational Forum

    Last Sunday, ITMO University became the first university in St. Petersburg to host the EdCrunch forum, which was conducted only in Moscow before. Later, the forum will "leave" for Krasnoyarsk and Ekaterinburg.


  • Career Guidance: Helping Students Choose Their Future

    According to a research by specialists from the Higher School of Economics, each third university graduate in Russia doesn't work in his field. Experts stress the necessity of solving this problem, starting with one's school years - as it is during high school that one has to make a most important decision - choose a university and his future profession. So, can one help students make this choice in due time, and how does one make a system for career guidance at schools? Filip Kazin, Dean of ITMO's Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, and Anastasia Prichislenko, head of the Rhythm Personal Development Center, commented on this problem in an interview to our portal.
