Search by tag «Interview» 333 results

  • Programmer Daria Yakovleva: "You shouldn’t be afraid to try something new"

    Computer science isn’t just about knowing how to design algorithms, analyse data or work with functions. First and foremost, it is about creativity, which computer scientists use to solve problems that no one has solved before and to improve both household and industrial processes. Today’s Master’s programs don’t teach theoretical knowledge – Bachelor’s programs should cover that. In Master’s programs students are taught how to apply this knowledge in practice, says Daria Yakovleva, Master’s student from ITMO’s Department of Computer Technologies. We spoke to Daria about taking part in internships, competitions and activities at the university and how that can help one’s future career. 


  • Master’s Student: Why IT Specialists Need to Get Involved in Science

    A few years ago, Mekhti Musaev graduated with a Bachelor’s degree and spent several years working in the industry. In that time he worked on both simple backend apps and complex scientific projects. This made him realize that, if he wanted to keep moving forward and maintain a career in IT, the basic knowledge acquired at a Bachelor’s program would not be enough. In an interview with ITMO.NEWS, he talks about the kind of specialist major IT companies are looking for, why programmers need to get into science and the benefits of studying at three different universities.


  • ITMO’s Russian Language Summer School: Gaining New Experiences

    ITMO’s Russian language and culture summer school kicked off in St. Petersburg in mid-July and is coming to an end today with about 20 students participating from 8 countries in three different language levels. The summer school attracts university students currently studying the Russian language, as well as students of Russian origin, future students wanting to enroll in the University and simply those interested in Russian language and culture.


  • Study Abroad in One of the Best Universities in Finland

    Jumping on a 3.5 hour train ride to study in a new place for a semester might not sound a lot like ‘study abroad’, especially when you live in a country as large as Russia, but for ITMO student Mariya Shaposhnikova, crossing the border over to Finland and spending a semester at Aalto University turned out to be a really rewarding and eye-opening experience.


  • Neural Interfaces as Art: How Does Neurotheater Work?

    The first performance of the neurotheater took place at the Geek Picnic festival in late June 2017. The new type of dramatic art is based on reading the actor’s emotions using neural interfaces and sharing them with the auditorium through light, color, music, and rhythm. This show is one of the best examples of a trend that is gaining popularity - Art & Science. The project created by a cross-disciplinary team of the Art&Science Institute at ITMO University was introduced to the visitors of the festival of modern technologies, science, and art. ITMO.NEWS has talked with an employee of ITMO University’s Higher School of Lighting Design, Darya Cheremisina (she was working on the performance) and found out the fundamental difference between the new type of theater and the traditional one and what problems the show’s creators have to solve.


  • World-Renowned Professors Maurice Herlihy and Nir Shavit on Computer Science in Life

    ​What's the difference between distributed and parallel computing? Why is research in this area an intellectual pleasure? How do prestigious awards influence unknown sciences? Godel Prize and Dijkstra Prize winner, Professor Maurice Herlihy from Brown University and Nir Shavit from MIT answered these questions and more. They also explained what inspired them to work in computer science and what they thought about ITMO University. They were lecturing at ITMO's summer school "Practice and Theory in Concurrent Computing" this month.


  • European Hackathon Winners Came to ITMO to Study Programming

    The Open Data Hackathon took place in May, in Bolzano (Italy), bringing together developers and data scientists from all across Europe. For 24 hours, the teams worked on creating a working prototype based on one of their ideas. The winners of the hackathon took the main prize: a trip to St. Petersburg for a two-day intensive programming course at ITMO University. This year, ITMO has become a seven-time winner of ACM ICPC and remains the world record holder for most wins


  • Forming Bonds: Visiting Scientists on Chemistry Research and Working Abroad

    Two young extraordinary scientists with extensive international experience – a chemist and a materials science engineer – came to ITMO to conduct research for a few months. They currently work in the Hey-Hawkins Group at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry at Leipzig University. Sara Durini is a postdoc from Italy and Rafaella Precker is a Ph.D. student from Brazil. They both took part in research at the Solutions Chemistry of Advanced Materials and Technologies (SCAMT) Laboratory at ITMO. The international news portal had an exclusive interview with them to learn more about their research.


  • French Master's Student on Coming to Russia and Differences from France

    Nicolas Jacquier, a Master’s student at the engineering school ESIEE Paris, has been working on an individual project for 2 months already as part of his internship at ITMO University. He is only staying for three months in total in St. Petersburg where he will work on Big Data visualization. In an interview with ITMO.NEWS, he spoke to us about why Europeans feel right at home in the city, the friendly relationships between professors and students, the pros and cons of writing a Master’s thesis and which European capital the city of St. Petersburg resembles the most.


  • Royal Society Member Maurice Skolnick: Why Making Science Understandable to Society Matters

    Why do we need to “disassemble” light into photons and how can it change the world? How do you explain to someone what a soliton is? Which discovery has shown the importance of long-term research to the world? Maurice Skolnick, a member of the Royal Society and a visiting scientist at ITMO University answers these and other questions in an interview with ITMO.NEWS. Prof. Skolnick’s field of work is semiconductors and he is currently studying methods of dispersing light into photons to create new modes of communication. He came to ITMO to work at a new international laboratory on hybrid light-matter states. 
