Search by tag «International» 423 results

  • Building a Bridge to Asia

    In 2014 and 2015 ITMO University was the presiding organization in the Association of Technical Universities for Russia and China. In June 2016 more than 10 delegations from the Pacific Rim visited ITMO University. Representatives of universities of China and nearby countries are interested in cooperation with Russia in the educational field. ITMO U is actively involved in such type of programs as they are important for the University’s efforts towards internationalization, and an element of its’ involvement in Project 5-100, helping to move it up in the rankings. All the activities mentioned above are necessary steps on the path to a fruitful and successful collaboration.


  • ITMO U Summer School Welcomed American Students

    Students of University of Rochester came to St. Petersburg for two weeks to take part in Summer Research Camps. Young researchers made experiments headed by experienced supervisors and professors and communicated with Russian students.


  • How Can the British Government Help Russian Students?

    On 20 May, representatives of the House of Commons of the British Parliament visited ITMO University and met with students and staff.
