Search by tag «Educational Programs» 45 results

  • Force of Attraction: How to Promote Your Master’s Program and Attract Best Applicants

    What is the most efficient way to tell about a Master’s program to potential applicants? And what will help attract the best of them? These questions were at the center of the meeting “Force of attraction, or development strategy of an educational program”, which was organized for heads of educational programs by ITMO’s Master’s Programs Department in collaboration with the Strategic Communications Department as part of the ITMO.Expert project. Alyona Gupaisova, vice head of the Strategic Communications Department, Ksenia Kuzmina, head of the Master’s Programs Development Center, and Yuri Monahov, head of Master’s Admission Office, spoke about the tools for attracting applicants and things that one should consider when developing Master’s programs.


  • Experts Discuss Prospects and Challenges in Life Science Research at ITMO University

    Which education and research initiatives should be promoted in medicine, life sciences and health sciences? Which specialists do these fields need? And why are the competencies of sociologists and science communicators crucial for conducting high-quality research? These and other questions were in the center of the discussion at a business breakfast that was recently held at ITMO University. The meeting brought together representatives of ITMO, the European University at St. Petersburg, Higher School of Economics, as well as the Northwestern Federal District Association of Oncologists and Cancer Prevention Foundation.


  • Three ITMO University Professors Receive Government of St. Petersburg Award

    This December started with the announcement of the results of the Government of St. Petersburg Award Competition for academic staff. ITMO University lecturers Ekaterina Sokolova, Anastasia Pavlova and Alexander Vasiliev are among the winners. ITMO.NEWS attended the ceremony to ask the award-winning lecturers how they got into teaching, how to create a modern lecture course and what are the secrets of filing an award application. 


  • ITMO University Launches Public Discussion on Proposed Changes to School Curricula in Computer Science

    This year, ITMO University became a developer of the draft contents of core curricula for basic general (grades fifth to ninth) and secondary general education in the field of computer science. The work is implemented on the commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Until December 9, 2019, teachers and heads of education institutions can analyze the university’s suggestions and give their own evaluation and feedback on the project. Here’s more about the initiative. 


  • ITMO University’s Master’s Degree Programs in 2019: Don’t Miss Your Opportunity

    The main goal of Master’s education today is to provide students with a variety of choices to create their own development path and apply their skills in different fields. As of today, ITMO University offers four types of Master’s degree programs: research, corporate, industrial, and entrepreneurial. Sergey Kolyubin, head of the University’s Master’s Degree Department, explains how to choose the right track, apply for research grants as an ITMO student, and which opportunities for enrollment are available to prospective students.
