Search by tag «Educational Programs» 44 results

  • ITMO Launches Open-Source Mentorship Program

    ITMO’s Research Center “Strong AI in Industry” has launched an open-source mentorship program that will allow students to work at the university, helping research groups develop open-source frameworks and libraries. Read on to learn about the program’s perks.


  • New Head of Art & Science Master’s Program Olga Vad on New Media and Modern Issues

    Curator Olga Vad is well-known for her participation in large-scale art projects and events such as HYDRA: New Media Art in the Context of Eco-Anxiety, the Ural Industrial Biennial, and the Ars Electronica festival. Now, she has joined the ranks of ITMO staff and became the head of Russia’s first Master’s program in the field of Art & Science. She shared how education benefits artists and what perspectives lie ahead for art and technology enthusiasts.


  • Why Apply to Russia’s First Art & Science Program Taught in English

    ITMO’s Art & Science Master’s program taught in English was launched in 2018. It welcomes applicants with Bachelor’s degrees in any field, be that liberal arts, technologies, or natural sciences. In this story, we’ll share why programmers, engineers, chemists, physicists, and fashion designers enter the world of modern art and what kind of opportunities the program offers to them.


  • Education With a Business Flair: All About Product Design Master’s Program by ITMO and Netology

    This September marks the launch of Product Design, the new online Master’s program developed by ITMO University in collaboration with Netology, one of the major online educational platforms. Students of the program will learn to create a user-friendly digital product tailored to the client’s request. Learn more about ITMO’s collaboration with EdTech companies and the program’s contents in this article.


  • ITMO’s GreenTech Launches New Master’s Program in Environmental and Technosphere Safety

    ITMO’s Faculty of Energy and Ecotechnology (GreenTech) has launched a new program in environmental and technosphere safety, where students will also learn about metrology and standardization. Knowledge in these fields can be used for sustainable development, as well as at various organizations – from industry and engineering companies to governmental agencies. 


  • AI Security: ITMO Launches New Master’s Program

    This year, ITMO University is launching a new Master’s program titled AI Security. Its graduates will be able to ensure the security of AI systems and protect them from cyberattacks. The program’s students will be granted an opportunity to work for partner companies, such as Gazprom Neft, Sberbank, and Rostelecom, or join research teams. 


  • Industrial Laser Technologies: ITMO Launches a New Specialization

    Last year, a new specialization titled Industrial Laser Technologies was opened for application as part of the Laser Technologies Master’s program. This year, students supervised by professionals from partner companies will learn how to develop laser sensors and other devices for applied use in the industry. Learn more about what kinds of projects can be implemented as part of studies and what’s in store for the program’s graduates in this ITMO.NEWS article.


  • AI Research Centers: First Achievements Announced

    Last year, six specialized research centers, including ITMO’s Research Center “Strong AI in Industry,” received grants through a contest held as part of the federal project Artificial Intelligence. Today, the contest winners reported on their first advances during a meeting at the Russian Coordination Center.


  • Gazprom Neft – New Corporate Partner of ITMO’s Software Engineering Master’s Program

    Together, ITMO University and Gazprom Neft will be training specialists in the field of software engineering. At the program, students will acquire a strong theoretical background and apply it in projects implemented by the program's new partner.


  • ITMO Launches New Master’s Program in Design and Development of AI Systems

    ITMO’s Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Systems has launched a new Master’s program Design and Development of AI Systems. There, students will learn to solve applied problems using existing tools and architectures of neural networks, while also acquiring a deep understanding of methods and technologies needed for AI software systems development. Read on to learn more about the program’s standalone features and the prospects of Master’s students.
