Search by tag «Educational Programs» 44 results

  • Six ITMO Master’s Programs Bridging Humanities and IT

    At ITMO, you can master IT even if you have a background in humanities – for instance, if you studied history or linguistics. Here are six Master’s programs that you can get into, no programming skills required. 


  • 10 Unique Master’s Programs You Can Study at ITMO

    ITMO is the only university in Russia where you can train to be a science communicator, develop services for the visually impaired, or become an infochemist. In fact, there are 10 Master’s programs at the university that will equip you with a unique set of interdisciplinary skills that’s unattainable at any other institution in the country. Explore them with this digest.


  • Get Into IT With ITMO’s State-Supported Professional Development Programs

    Want to start a career in IT but you already have an unrelated degree? Then you should consider applying for one of ITMO’s professional development programs in artificial intelligence. They are supported by the Russian government which covers 85% of each student’s tuition fee. There are two programs available: Data Analyst and Data Architect. The former is a good choice for complete beginners, while the latter is better suited for those with some prior IT knowledge. Keep reading to discover more about the programs and learn how to apply.


  • Complete Master’s and PhD in Four Years With ITMO’s New Educational Track

    Starting this year, prospective Master’s students can join a Master’s and PhD combined track, which allows students to pre-select their supervisors, enroll into PhD programs exam-free, and shorten their time of study at the university from six to four years by taking higher-degree courses in advance. Currently, the track is open within seven Master’s programs – learn more about the opportunity below. 


  • First in Russia: ITMO to Launch Interdisciplinary Program in Photonics

    ITMO’s new Master’s program in applied photonics brings together quantum technologies, art, optical materials science, femtotechnologies, and terahertz technologies. Find out more about it in this article.


  • Going Green: ITMO Launches Master’s Program in Decarbonization for the Energy Industry

    Decarbonization is a growing trend in the energy industry – all over the world, oil and gas companies are adopting technologies meant to curb their greenhouse emissions. In Russia, industry giants Gazprom and Lukoil have both launched decarbonization programs. However, as a nascent initiative, it still requires niche specialists, namely, engineers capable of operating the related equipment and designing recycling facilities. Starting this year, ITMO will train such specialists within its Master’s program Decarbonization Technologies for Fuel and Energy Industry. Read on to discover all you need to know about it.


  • The Benefits of ITMO’s Master’s Program in Artificial Intelligence

    The Russian IT industry is found lacking about 1 million specialists, with data scientists, machine learning specialists, and data analysts being in most demand. The good news is, these are the kind of specialists trained at ITMO’s Master’s program Artificial Intelligence. This online program offers industry-oriented practical training, in addition to a wide array of studying and career opportunities. 


  • New Master’s Program at ITMO: Design and Development of Big Data Systems

    This year, ITMO is launching Design and Development of Big Data Systems, a new Master’s program that will train students to work with distributed big data systems, develop machine learning models, and perform analytics. Graduates of the program will work as data engineers, data architects, machine learning engineers, or backend developers. We took a closer look at the new program.


  • Sustainable Chemistry For Energy Technologies: New Master’s Program With Gazprom Neft and Tatneft

    Students in the new program will learn about alternative energy sources, synthesize new materials, and develop cutting-edge technologies for the oil and gas industry. Implemented jointly with major oil producers Gazprom Neft and Tatneft, the new program will offer students the opportunity to work on the companies’ projects during their studies, as well as land positions in R&D departments of major enterprises upon graduation. ITMO.NEWS examines the benefits of the program.


  • ITMO Launches New Biotech Master’s Track With Geropharm

    A new educational track has been launched at ITMO’s Faculty of Biotechnologies in collaboration with GEROPHARM – one of the top three pharmaceutical companies in Russia’s Northwestern Federal District. The company’s R&D center has been responsible for developing the program’s curriculum, which includes classes that will be taught by GEROPHARM’s department heads. The track starts February 6. Keep reading to find out more about the new program and how it will benefit the students.
