Search by tag «Information Technology» 3 results

  • New Apple M1 Chip: Is RISC Worth It?

    On November 10, 2020, Apple introduced M1, the new ARM-based chip. We all know ARM CPU architecture is dominating the mobile market and Apple already has a powerful line of SoC processors called Apple Silicon (e.g. A14, A13, and so on). So, what is so new about this one? Well, this chip is for the new MacBook (though the previous MacBooks which used x86−64 CPU architecture). At this moment things become much more interesting. Servers typically use a variety of architectures including POWER, ARM, amd64 (x86−64), IA-64, and so on. On the other hand, the x86−64 architecture completely dominates the desktop segment while low-power devices such as smartphones use ARM (however you can find amd64-based tablets in stores). Can Apple change the balance by bringing the ARM-powered laptop into the market?


  • Guide on IT meetups in St. Petersburg. Part 2: Softcore and Hardcore

    Master's student from the Faculty of Information Security and Computer Technologies at ITMO University, Alice Koroshavina wrote a blog for ITMO news about the best IT events in St. Petersburg. This is a continuation of her previous blog.


  • Guide on IT meetups in St. Petersburg. Part 1: Hardcore Meetups

    Master's student from the Faculty of Information Security and Computer Technologies at ITMO University, Alice Koroshavina wrote a blog for ITMO news about the best IT events in St. Petersburg.
