Search by tag «Anti-Counterfeit Labels» 4 results

  • No More Counterfeiting – Thanks to Photon Crystals from ITMO

    Scientists from ITMO University have suggested a novel production method for anti-forgery protection tags that is cheaper and quicker than its analogs. The new method uses magnet-sensitive photon crystals for ink jet printing. The resulting tags are liquid systems with magnetic particles inside a solid shell; in response to a magnet, the particles assemble into a specific colored pattern. According to its authors, the new method will be more reliable than its counterparts. The study is described in a paper published in Advanced Optical Materials. 


  • ITMO's Monday Science Roundup #13

    Welcome to the baker’s dozen installment of our bi-monthly news digest! In this overview of the latest happenings in science and research at ITMO, we’ll be looking at: promising new technologies, a new professional development initiative, and a dive into special relativity.


  • ITMO Physicists Create Unclonable Anti-Counterfeiting Silicon Labels

    Scientists from ITMO University developed unclonable anti-counterfeiting labels, which are based on silicon nanoparticles modified with a laser. It’s impossible to change the color, structure, and location of the particles: these parameters are random, which makes the label safe from counterfeiting. In order to check if it’s authentic, all you need to do is upload its picture into a special program.


  • Researchers Create New Anti-Counterfeit Labels

    The labels can be used to mark various electronics, medicine, and jewelry. Their authenticity can only be checked with special equipment, thus providing additional protection against fake merchandise. The research is published in Advanced Materials.
