Search by tag «DH Center» 3 results
ITMO Graduates on Their Research in Digital Humanities
As the end of this academic year approaches, we decided to share some projects that our soon-to-be graduates of the Data, Culture, and Visualization program have been working on during their time at ITMO University. They find ways to apply the methods of digital humanities in various fields – from meme generation to commemorative practices. Here’s what they told us about their final projects.
DH Week in St. Petersburg: The Future of Digital Humanities in Russia and the World
Throughout the past week, an event series at ITMO tackled the subject of digital humanities: over the course of five days, guest speakers spoke at length about neural networks, big data, deepfakes, and neuroart.
ITMO University’s Digital Humanities Center: A Place For Learning, Research, and Work
The Digital Humanities Center (DH Center) is one of the few places in Russia where you can study and conduct research in the field of digital humanities, a rather new but fascinating phenomenon in modern science. Moreover, for some students and junior researchers, DH Center has also become a workplace. We asked them to share their experience.