Search by tag «Norway» 3 results

  • Urban Development Expert On Making Cities More Comfortable to Live In

    What has changed in urban planning over the last 100 years? What future lies ahead of industrial centers? And what do small Northern cities in Norway and Russia share in common? These and other questions were discussed during an open lecture by Norwegian specialist in the field of urban planning and technologies Gunnar Olav Furu. He is the head of a private consulting agency and has implemented a range of urban development projects in his home city of Sunndal. The lecture and an interactive workshop took place at ITMO University’s Institute of Design and Urban Studies with the support of the Consulate of Norway.


  • How to Make Cities More Livable: Norwegian Expert Knows the Answer

    There are many industrial cities in Russia, such as Norilsk, Monchegorsk, Magnitogorsk, and so on. Nowadays, more and more people leave them for bigger cities with better life prospects. Some 20 years ago, Norway faced the same problem, but they managed to solve it by means of smart urban planning and innovations. Gunnar Olav Furu has been involved in city planning for more than 30 years and now works as a municipal advisor in his home city Sunndal. Last week, Mr. Furu met with ITMO University students to talk about innovations and discuss how to make St. Petersburg more comfortable to live in.


  • ITMO Student Talks Urban Development in Northern Cities

    In Russia, there are many cities above the Arctic Circle that aren’t very comfortable to live in, to say the least. In such cities, paved roads are already enough to make people happy. Artem Nikolaev, a student at ITMO’s Institute of Design & Urban Studies, wants to change the situation in small Russian cities for the better. He shared his ideas with ITMO.NEWS.
