Search by tag « Social Guide» 3 results

  • Grouchy Introvert's Valentine's Day Manifesto

    Pink and red mush oozing from everywhere, saccharine candy that covertly works on your inevitable tooth decay, and evil flower magnates rubbing their hands in delight; this is the holiday that never really was and never should have been. Think that Valentine’s is great? Then maybe this isn’t the article for you, because I’ll try to change your mind by showing how this disheartening fete can eat away at your logic, composure and self-esteem, even if you don’t know it. There’s some advice on how to survive it too, just to sweeten that pill. You’re welcome.


  • How to Survive the Holidays If You’re a Grinch

    Or, for the purposes of this article, an introvert. For I don’t know if my social recluse soulmates will be with me on this one, but I’d happily steal Christmas if I could. Not for banishing it altogether, no, I’m not a dictator (just a Grinch). Nor do I have anything against flashy decorations (bring out the kitsch!) or advent calendars (only what’s the thing with some of them not including a piece of chocolate for December 25? Bloody capitalists), or the children laughing (but dear parents, let’s limit it to the period of, say, 10am to 6pm, capeesh?). I’d just revamp it... slightly. Alas; as of now, this is all just a dream, and we the homebody crowd have to make do with the barbarous, social-interaction-obsessed world order shaped by and for extroverts. So here’s a word of counsel on how to survive the tinsel, the jamborees, and other manifestations of the holiday cheer attack on the senses.


  • Higher Education Ranking: What Russian Universities Are the Best?

    The Russia Today media group published results of an independent survey among students and higher education experts to rank Russian universities. ITMO University joined the top 67 and was estimated as one of the best ones.
