Search by tag «Accelerator» 28 results
MVP and Launch Sales: Finalists of ITMO’s FoodTech Accelerator Present Their Projects at Demo Day
Over the course of three months, more than 300 entrepreneurs from all over Russia worked to create market-ready products assisted by business trackers from ITMO University. As a result, the 13 most successful teams pitched their startups to potential investors and partners at Demo Day.
AR/AI Headset by ITMO Startup Lands Top-25 Spot at Sber500 IT Accelerator
Scientists from ITMO University are developing a cognitive AR/AI headset for Russian engineers working in the oil and gas industry. The device, which integrates augmented reality and artificial intelligence tech, will allow on-site workers to instantly communicate with corporate knowledge bases and remote experts. Its creators aim to reduce the risks of costly downtime for oil and gas facilities during emergencies and facilitate the resolution of critical engineering challenges. The startup has been selected as one of 25 finalists of the international IT accelerator Sber500 out of over 1,500 applicants, marking it as a promising DeepTech project for the Russian industry.
Help the Dark Store: Winners of Hackathon by ITMO and VkusVill Grocery Chain
100 students from Moscow and St. Petersburg took part in the recent hackathon Help the Dark Store, organized by ITMO and VkusVill, a chain of grocery stores. Over three days, they analyzed the operations of the company’s dark stores to suggest ways to improve product storage, assembly of orders, and stock-taking. The best projects will be implemented at the company.
AI Beauty Advisor, Text Encryptor, and Noise-Canceling Materials: Results of the Latest Demo Day at ITMO Accelerator
Twice a year, around 60 student teams pitch their ideas at Demo Day after taking a three-month training course at ITMO Accelerator. For the second year running, the creators of the best startups are granted a 400,000-ruble grant and a free subscription to Yandex services from Yandex Cloud Boost. See below which projects won this year.
Preaccelerator Programs for UMNIK Winners To Be Held at ITMO University
As a winner of the competition organized by the Foundation For Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE), ITMO University is now authorized to conduct preaccelerator programs for recipients of the UMNIK grants. This will allow the university to encourage innovation and support young scientists and entrepreneurs more actively.
Yandex Cloud Boost Approved: Top Projects of ITMO Accelerator Demo Day 2023
Every year, around 50 projects go through the ITMO Accelerator before presenting their results at Demo Day. From last year on, the creators of the best projects receive a 400,000-ruble grant and a free subscription to Yandex services from Yandex Cloud Boost. More on this year’s winners below.
ITMO’s Second Leadership Accelerator Opens Applications
The ITMO/Leader accelerator is dedicated to developing key competencies of ITMO’s staff. Its participants will learn how to manage business processes, build teams, and create roadmaps. The program will start on March 13. Keep reading to find out more about the accelerator and how to sign up.
Top Projects of ITMO’s First FoodTech Accelerator
In 2022, ITMO launched its first accelerator for foodtech projects, where participants learned to manage teams, choose the most appropriate markets for their products, and attract investments. Read on to learn more about the projects that went through to the final and were presented in front of experts.
Neftekod Team Proposes Solution for Longer-Lasting Roads in Russia
On October 2, more than 150 participants from 15 Russian cities attended the Neftekod hackathon that gave a start to the series of joint events between ITMO University and Gazprom Neft’s Digital Downstream Accelerator. The hackathon was devoted to programming a formula for next-gen materials with greater flexibility and heat resistance that would pave the way for constructing more durable road surfaces. The event was supported by the Artificial Intelligence in Industry Association.
ITMO Accelerator Launches First Program to Support FoodTech Startups
Apart from the regular acceleration program, this year, ITMO Accelerator launches a special track for foodtech projects, where participants will be guided by Uralchem Innovation and the university’s own experts. Those joining the program will learn to manage a team, choose markets, and find investors for their foodtech startups. The best startup teams will have the chance to launch their projects with the partner company. Here is all you need to know about the new program.