Search by tag «Admissions» 85 results

  • New Program for High-Achieving Applicants Launches at ITMO

    ITMO PRIORITY, a program of personalized support for applicants who perform well in Russian national student contests or scored 100 points on two or more Unified State Exams in related subjects. Among other bonuses, participants of the program can receive travel grants for their move to St. Petersburg, an additional stipend of up to 25,000 rubles, a personal manager, a place in a dorm in the city center, and more. Read on to learn more about the new program.


  • ITMO and VK Education to Teach Students to Implement AI into Business and Industry

    Within AI Engineering, a new Bachelor’s program just launched by ITMO and VK Education, students will learn to implement AI systems into business processes. AI can facilitate various operations: identifying failures, automating routine tasks, as well as processing and analyzing big data. Graduates of the program will be able to take on positions of ML and data engineers in economics, banking, logistics, and retail data analysis.


  • Start! With ITMO: Admissions Office Opens at ITMO

    Today, June 20, ITMO University opens its admissions office on Kronverksky Pr. 49 for prospective students who want to apply for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD programs in person; online admissions are available, as well. This year, the university introduced three new Bachelor’s and five new Master’s programs. Most programs are implemented in collaboration with Yandex, Sberbank, and other tech giants.


  • How To Get into Science as a School Student

    ITMO allows students to begin their journey into science as early as high school, for example, with a year-long internship at its Faculty of Physics. Interns work in laboratories with expert scientists, conduct independent research, receive awards, and excel at competitions. For this article, we asked Anna Chuprina, a former intern who has already won an international scientific conference and is enrolled at ITMO’s Faculty of Physics, to share her experience and talk about the opportunities the internship offers.


  • Bioinformatics Studies at ITMO’s Advanced Engineering School: Behind the Scenes

    Identifying hereditary diseases, preserving endangered species, and expanding the theory of evolution – these are just some of the challenges tackled by bioinformatics engineers. Today, these specialists are in demand across the scientific spectrum: in biotech, medicine, and even agriculture. One place where you can train to be one is at ITMO’s Advanced Engineering School – as part of the Master’s program Applied Genomics. The program’s new head, the bioinformatics researcher Mikhail Raiko, tells us all about studies and careers in this fascinating field.


  • ITMO and Sberbank Create Admissions Aid for School Students

    A new project for applicants to Russian universities and their parents has recently been launched by ITMO and Sberbank. There, FAQs and recommendations are presented as detailed guides that will be helpful to those applying to universities in 2024, as well as future applicants on the lookout for their careers.


  • Learn to Grow Your Business While Caring for the Planet at ITMO

    Sustainable Development and Environmental Management is a new Master’s program that’s just launched at ITMO. There, you’ll get to learn to implement green technologies in production and develop sustainable business strategies that account for not only generating income but also the effect on society and environment. Created in collaboration with industrial partners, this program is oriented towards solving actual challenges that companies are facing today. Read on to learn more.


  • ITMO Is One of the Top University Choices Among Contest Winners in Russia

    According to the findings of a Yandex Education survey, ITMO University, along with the Higher School of Economics and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, is one of the most popular universities among competition winners in mathematics and computer science. Their decisions are influenced by the quality of education, career prospects, and the practical nature of educational programs. ITMO University has remained at the top of the ranking since 2022.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #53

    Hello, greetings, and welcome! In today’s review of recent updates courtesy of ITMO.NEWS, we’re looking at three major stories: an exciting research breakthrough from the realm of photonics, an array of fresh ideas by the university’s brightest young scientists, and the launch of this year’s admissions campaign.


  • A Chance Not To Be Missed: Winners of ITMO.STARS on How To Study for Free and Work on Dream Projects

    The ITMO.STARS contest allows talented applicants from throughout Russia to enroll in the university's Bachelor’s programs on tuition-free basis regardless of their Unified State Exam (USE) scores. Since 2019, over 60 students have had the opportunity to study and carry on with their projects at ITMO for free via the initiative. Learn more about the students’ successes and the application process below.
