Search by tag «Birthday» 6 results

  • 4 Things To Do on Your Birthday in St. Petersburg

    Planning your birthday is no longer a headache – all thanks to our team’s curated list of the most fabulous places for every kind of celebration. Take your pick below!


  • Up in Space: ITMO Turns 123

    On March 26, ITMO turned 123, but the celebrations, as per tradition, lasted the whole preceding week. There were business games, board game nights, art workshops, and even a family festival, ITMO Family Day Mini. Here’s our recap of all the fun that unfolded last week at ITMO.


  • How ITMO Celebrated Its 122nd Birthday

    On March 26, ITMO University turned 122 years old! Students and employees had a whole week to celebrate this occasion by taking part in various online and offline activities. Everyone could enjoy healthy snacks, play Twister, Jenga, or oversized chess, as well as become a web detective. Moreover, the be ITMO platform, which provides info on all kinds of opportunities the university provides, was launched just in time for this joyous occasion.


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: October 24-25, 2020

    While days are getting shorter and mornings – colder, it is a hard-level game to leave the comfort of your warm and cozy bed when your alarm goes off (for the third time, right?). We feel you! But do not get carried away by this temptation! Let’s leave the snooze button behind, bundle up in our favorite fall sweaters, and do cool things this weekend.


  • Google Celebrates 19th Birthday

    In late September, online giant Google celebrates its birthday. Two decades ago, the two Stanford students couldn’t imagine that one day their company would service more than half of the world’s search requests. On this day, we look back at how the simple search engine gained the love of millions of users.


  • Celebrating ITMO. STORE’s First Birthday

    Exactly one year ago, on October 10th, ITMO. STORE, a store full of ITMO branded products, opened up. It sold some shirts and stationery with the university’s logo. Since then, at least 85 unique pieces made with love have shown up on its website and showroom: shirts, cups, hoodies, soft toys, stickers, chocolate and many others. Alexander Golovaty, the director of ITMO store and Konstantin Kozlov, the store manager talked about their plans for the store’s future.
