Search by tag «Brain Emulation» 2 results

  • Michio Kaku on Digital Future: Should We Fear Robots?

    The next wave of scientific and technological progress will be based on molecular biology, biotech, AI and nanotechnology, says Michio Kaku, a physicist, co-founder of string field theory and popularizer of science. In his talk at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Prof. Kaku described a high-tech future complete with digital immortality and perfect capitalism. Do robots know they’re different from humans? What professions will soon be obsolete forever? Will we ever get a chance to chat with Albert Einstein? ITMO.NEWS provides a summary of the scientist’s predictions of the future.


  • “Natural” AI: On the Way to Whole Brain Emulation

    The concept of emulating the human brain with a computer first appeared in science fiction as a trope of “mind uploading.” Thanks to the phenomenal technological progress of late, a lot of science fiction has become actual science, and brain emulation is no exception to that trend. These days there are a myriad research initiatives intended to solve the technological and engineering tasks needed to achieve whole brain emulation (WBE). Some projects aim to aggregate the results of such research, detect global trends, encourage collaboration and determine the vectors of scientific progress. The Carboncopies foundation, where ITMO University’s Master’s student Ilya Sapranidi works as a volunteer, reviews scientific literature and research, encourages scientific collaboration and increases the awareness of academia about the risks and advantages of such technology. ITMO.NEWS has tried to find out how this unbelievable idea is slowly becoming a reality.
