Search by tag «Cognition» 2 results

  • How Sport Affects Our Cognitive Skills

    Moderate physical exercise boosts our energy by improving blood flow, raising blood sugar levels, and increasing the number of certain neurotransmitters in our brain. However, research shows that non-professional sports can positively affect not only our resource supply, but our cognitive skills, too. Is it true for all ages and health conditions? How long does it actually take to see results from exercise? And which mechanisms lay behind this process? Read on to learn what scientists from ITMO’s Center for Neuroscience in Education who have recently launched a project on students' mental well-being have to say about these and other related questions.


  • Mind-Blowing Research of the Month: Neuroarchaeology

    One of today's top science trends is interdisciplinarity – drawing from different research fields to find answers to age-old questions. Neuroarchaeology is one such new area of study, and it brings together, yes, you've guessed it – archaeology and neuroscience. How did our distant ancestors learn to speak? And how is tool-making related to playing the piano? Find out in our overview!
