Search by tag «Cyberattacks» 7 results

  • Hack Me If You Can: Computer Hackers and Why They Need Hats

    White and black hats, crackers, carders, and script kiddies – if you don’t know any of these words, this is the article for you. Together with Nikolay Panchenko, a lead expert at T-Bank’s (formerly Tinkoff) infrastructure security department, we’re looking into the core concepts of hacking: why hackers are more than just hooded figures from movies, why they need “hats,” and how to make money legally as a hacker. The article is based on a talk recently given at Positive Hack Days Fest 2.


  • ITMO University Opens International Cybersecurity Center in St. Petersburg

    On May 14, ITMO launched the Safety and Security of Critical Information Technologies international research center. Here, students will receive practical training on dealing with cyber threats while working on real-life projects. At the launch, special training was held at the National Cyber Testing Ground, one the largest information security projects in Russia. 


  • ITMO Associate Professor Alexander Kuznetsov on How Criminals Fool Voice Recognition to Steal Money

    Biometric technology, such as voice recognition, is now being rolled out in banking. At the end of 2020, Russia passed a law enhancing the use of biometrics in the financial sector. However, cybercriminals already know how to fool such identification and gain access to customers’ money using fake audio tracks. How does it happen? What can cybersecurity specialists do about it? And what solutions can ITMO offer? Alexander Kuznetsov, an associate professor at ITMO’s Faculty of Secure Information Technologies, will answer these and many other questions.


  • Canadian Experts Test ITMO Quantum Network

    From September 25 to October 6, a group of world-class experts in quantum hacking from the University of Waterloo (Canada), under the guidance of prof. Vadim  Makarov,  analyzed the security of the quantum network created by ITMO University. As result of a joint study, the researchers tested the system for potential vulnerabilities and offered ways to patch them, which is crucial to the practical introduction of the technology. Read our article to learn more about the work conducted at ITMO University, as well as the key prospects for the development of quantum communications in the nearest five years.


  • Clothing Made From Bacteria, Electronic Tattoos, And Latest Virus Threats: What We’ve Learned at the Campus Festival

    From May 26 to 28, the Campus citywide educational festival took place in St. Petersburg; at different sites and spaces - from bars to the new stage of the Alexandrinskiy Theatre, - scientists, lecturers and experts shared on most important topics which have to do with modern science and our common future. "Events" was the topic of the session which took place at the Alexandrinsky Theatre: each year, there are hundreds of new inventions, but which of them will or have already globally changed our lives? Thus, Pavel Kuzmich, Director of ITMO's Computer Forensics Laboratory, explained what we've learned from the WannaCry virus, and Natalya Nikiforova, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Social Sciences of St. Petersburg State University shared about how clothing gradually turns into a complex interface.


  • Cyberattacks: XXI Century’s Main Challenge

    Information leaks have become something common; their number grows each day. It is of no coincidence that the WiKiLeaks website that publishes files obtained from cyberattacks has become really popular lately. Today, having a hi-end security system is no longer enough — one has to constantly develop skills to counter cyberattacks. ITMO.NEWS turned to foreign experience in this field, as well as asked ITMO's staff and students who research computer security to share on the subject. Learn about the most recent projects on fighting cyberthreats from our article.


  • Formulas for Making Right Decisions

    The human factor and external influence transform our thoughts and opinions. On the one hand, lawbreakers can use it to gain some secret information, but on the other hand it is possible to predict their steps and decisions so as to protect data. Natalya Karmanova, student at the Department of Computer System Design and Technology, talked about her research devoted to this problem. Read below about her thesis called the "Information psychologic protection."
