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ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #74
It’s never a slow news day at ITMO.NEWS. Our students, professors, and researchers are always working on something – and our team is always making sure to keep you informed of the latest goings-on in science, tech, and education. From fundamental research to opportunities for future students and ambitious game developers, here are the latest news highlights from the past couple weeks.
ITMO’s New Compound Disables Disease-Producing Genes 17 Times Faster Than Counterparts
Scientists from ITMO University have created a new compound – bivalent DNAzymes: these are short, connected therapeutic DNA chains. The compound has four “arms” and two cores that enable it to find the target sequence even in the complex twisted messenger RNA of a gene, then bind with this site, and cleave it. Among the solution’s possible applications are new treatments for viral, oncological, and hereditary diseases at early stages. The DNAzyme was described in a paper published in Nucleic Acids Research.
Supersensitive Express COVID-19 Test Developed at ITMO
Scientists at ITMO have created an express test with a high sensitivity nanomachine that can detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus and is suited for point-of-care or at-home use. The new nanomachine is equipped with 4 arms and special hooks that help unfold nucleic acid sequences and detect the virus more accurately. Currently, the nanomachine can detect DNA analagous to viral 80 times and viral RNA 13 times more accurately than a hookless system and in just one hour instead of three. The invention was described in an article published in Analytical Chemistry.
New Lab at ITMO: Using AI to Build Molecular Machines for Therapy and Diagnostics
Generative Design of Enzymes and Aptamers – that is the name of a new laboratory just opened at ITMO, where researchers will develop AI-based tools for creating molecular machines. These are nanodevices that can catalyze chemical reactions, selectively bind molecules, and even act as biochips. The results of such research can help develop personalized treatments and POC (point-of-care) systems – mobile devices for medical diagnostics.
SCAMT Workshop Week: Implement Your Project and Enroll Into Master’s at ITMO Without Exams
SCAMT Workshop Week is a research school, where Russian and international students can develop their projects and earn a chance to enroll into the university’s Master’s programs without exams. During the week, the participants work on their ideas and attend lectures from ITMO experts and guest speakers. The event culminates with a presentation of projects; the best participants can enter one of the four ITMO Master’s programs without exams. Read on to learn more about the school.
A World Inside a Molecule: How Chemistry Paves the Way for Secure Data Storage
With each year, the volume of data grows ever higher; according to Statista, in 2022 the total of all information accumulated by humans has amounted to approximately 97 zettabytes. By 2025, this number is expected to reach a whopping 180 zettabytes. Today, most data is stored on hard drives, flash drives, and cloud services. But are these media all that reliable? What else can scientists offer us – and how does chemistry come into play? George M. Whitesides, one of the most highly cited chemists of our time, shared his insights in a recent lecture – and ITMO.NEWS is here with the cliffnotes.
ITMO Fellow Ahmed Eldeeb on Working in Russia and Becoming a PI at 28
Ahmed Eldeeb decided to become a scientist when he was still at school. Though his family wanted him to pursue a career in engineering, medicine, or programming, the future researcher was so passionate about biotechnology and DNA/RNA technologies that, eventually, his dream brought him to ITMO University. Now the head of a frontier laboratory at the university’s SCAMT Institute, he develops DNA robots for cancer gene therapy and viral diagnostics. In this interview, Ahmed Eldeeb gives an insight into what it's like to build a lab from scratch and lead a team of 23 as a young PI.
ITMO Researchers Create Virus-Detecting DNA Bot
A team of scientists from ITMO University have used DNA molecules to develop a high-performance nanobot that detects pathogens. Its effectiveness has been tested on COVID-19, but the technology may be adapted to seek out other viruses. Unlike PCR testing, this method does not require costly reagents, complex equipment, or trained personnel while demonstrating the same level of accuracy.
ITMO Launches a New Master’s Program in Applied Genomics
The program will train researchers and specialists in introducing genomics and bioinformatics into industry and healthcare. Over the course of the program, students will acquire sequencing methods and the methods used in genetic engineering, as well as programming and data analysis for genomes, transcriptomes, proteomes, and their combinations. The program will start at the basics, so there are no strict entry requirements for applicants. The program is offered in English.
Top Nine Questions About Genome Decoding
These days, we often hear about scientists having decoded the genome of this or that species. ITMO.NEWS and Aleksey Komissarov, a researcher at ITMO’s SCAMT Institute, explain what DNA is, how it helps us study animal ancestry, and in what way DNA testing differs from genome research.