Search by tag «ERA.Net RUS Plus» 1 results

  • ITMO Scientists' Collaboration with German and Swiss Colleagues Wins ERA.Net Research Grant

    A team of scientists from ITMO’s International Research and Education Center for Physics of Nanostructures, together with their colleagues from the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (Germany) and ETH Zurich (Switzerland), have been awarded a grant by the European initiative ERA.Net RUS Plus. Their three-year project concerns the modeling and design of new functional nanomaterials with potential applications in biomedicine and diagnostics. As the researchers note, nanomaterials based on ternary quantum dots can be used to create a sensor platform with unprecedented filtering and sensitivity capabilities for the purpose of multiplexed single-cell pathogen analysis. In the future, results of this research can contribute to the development of more precise and compact devices used for fluorescence analysis of nanostructures.
