Search by tag «Entrepreneurship» 107 results

  • Business-Turned-Thesis: How To Defend a Startup as a Thesis and Make Your First Money

    It often happens that students start looking for a job after graduation: first, they are too busy writing their papers and then, once they graduate, they are unsure about where and how to apply their newly-acquired competencies. There is, however, an alternative scenario. Instead of writing a conventional thesis, ITMO students can launch their own startups and defend them as part of the Business Project as Thesis initiative. The program welcomed 385 students over the past five years, and the most successful ones even received their first investments. Read on to find out why and how to join the initiative below.


  • Risks and How To Manage Them: Advice From Sberbank VP Dzhangir Dzhangirov

    What does alpine skiing have in common with high-tech investments? Risks! An unfortunate combination of factors may lead to an injury (in the former case) or loss of profit (in the latter). For that reason, it’s important to know how to assess risks and manage them. Dzhangir Dzhangirov, the Senior VP and Chief Risk Officer at Sberbank, shared crucial insights into the subject during a lecture at ITMO University.


  • ITMO PhD Student Wins Entrepreneur Contest GSEA Russia 2024

    Daudi Dauddin, a PhD student at ITMO’s Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, ranked highest in the category Breakthrough of the Year at GSEA Russia 2024, a contest for young entrepreneurs. At the contest, he presented an AI-driven service for patent registration and monitoring that will now receive support from international business communities.


  • AI Beauty Advisor, Text Encryptor, and Noise-Canceling Materials: Results of the Latest Demo Day at ITMO Accelerator

    Twice a year, around 60 student teams pitch their ideas at Demo Day after taking a three-month training course at ITMO Accelerator. For the second year running, the creators of the best startups are granted a 400,000-ruble grant and a free subscription to Yandex services from Yandex Cloud Boost. See below which projects won this year. 


  • Putting Scientific Ideas Into Business Suits: Lecturer Meriç Biçakçioğlu On Turning Research Into Business Projects

    Meriç Biçakçioğlu, an entrepreneur and academician, has spent several years working with startups and supporting corporate innovation efforts. He helps commercialize and scale ideas – and teaches students and employees of companies to do the same. For four years now, he has been a lecturer in the course International Research Management Essentials at ITMO, where he talks all about turning research ideas into business projects that are accessible to their respective audiences. In this interview, we discussed his area of expertise and the opportunities for future scientists that can be found at ITMO’s soft skills courses. 


  • Student Spotlight: Siraj Farhan, India

    Step into the world of Siraj Farhan, an international student from India who is currently pursuing a Master's degree in entrepreneurship at ITMO. Farhan is a captivating individual with an insatiable passion for computers and AI. An adventurer at heart, he's tried his hand at a multitude of pursuits, including building his very own startup. Join us as we delve into his inspiring journey.


  • Preaccelerator Programs for UMNIK Winners To Be Held at ITMO University

    As a winner of the competition organized by the Foundation For Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE), ITMO University is now authorized to conduct preaccelerator programs for recipients of the UMNIK grants. This will allow the university to encourage innovation and support young scientists and entrepreneurs more actively.


  • 10 Unique Master’s Programs You Can Study at ITMO

    ITMO is the only university in Russia where you can train to be a science communicator, develop services for the visually impaired, or become an infochemist. In fact, there are 10 Master’s programs at the university that will equip you with a unique set of interdisciplinary skills that’s unattainable at any other institution in the country. Explore them with this digest.


  • A Greenhouse for Startups: ITMO Accelerator Opens Applications

    The ITMO Accelerator is an initiative that helps young entrepreneurs take their startups through all stages of development, from mere ideas to first sales. Having updated its format three years ago, the project has nurtured over 190 startups. In that time, over 3,700 teams from universities across Russia have applied to join the accelerator – and now is your chance to join, too. Learn more about the project’s opportunities in this article.


  • ITMO PhD Student Daria Durneva Wins GSEA Russia 2023

    Daria Durneva, a PhD student at ITMO’s Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, has won in the category Best Student Entrepreneur at GSEA Russia 2023 with her project on a new textile production method. Now, she gets to present her idea at the GSEA Global finals in Istanbul.
